比赛和比赛是从一个淘汰的指导方针举行。游戏是根据来自加密货币市场的实时报价进行的。我们发布的TPZ令牌成为官方游戏币。 TPZ令牌提供比赛报名费用以及支付给胜利者的奖金。 TradePlayz是一个可以玩“幻想交易和投资”的移动平台。通过TPZ令牌获得基于实际价值的真实奖金/奖励。我们相信,博彩,兴奋和交易和投资的激情最好的元素,可以从一个诚实和公平的平台获得,这同样惊心动魄。 牢记这些元素,我们将它们与区块链技术结合在一起。所有的游戏都是在真人之间进行的。因此,玩家正在创造我们产品的独特而令人兴奋的个性和环境。 TradePlayz是世界上幻想交易和投资的首选平台,让您凭借自己的思维,以实际价值赚取奖金/奖励,从简单地玩游戏,学习市场,通过经验和交易来学习自己积极。这样,我们积极鼓励和帮助用户在精神上,从字面上丰富他们的生活。提高赌注!
TradePlayz的设计目的是让所有兴趣加密货币投资的人都能以低风险投资,为环境付出代价,同时兼顾投资教育工具,通过ZED代币奖励比赛获胜者。&nbsp; </p >
After all is said and done, the nature of the Tradeplayz blockchain setup gives rise to the
questions of one, is it considered gambling, and two, is it legal? In lieu of the questionable characteristics of the application, it was enough of a grey line that legal associates of Tradeplayz had to comprise a certified document in order to distinguish what is considered legal gambling versus illegal activity. The document is titled “Game of Skill” and can be downloaded from their page.
In the vein of the actual application usage, the framework seems fairly self-explanatory. However, if you are completely new to the field of cryptocurrency and especially to field economics, then this may not be the system for you. Conversely, if you are desiring to build your skill sets, then perhaps Tradeplayz is an appropriate training ground.
In terms of ethics, the company does seem to value transparency and does it’s best to educate all who cross its’ path. Would we try it? Sure. As with any cryptocurrency market, it is important to bear in mind going in that there are certain losses to be had, so be prepared to part with your funds. Or, you can evolve your understanding and also gain a great deal.