Kevin Murcko

$ 11,274,660
Projects Raised
About Kevin Murcko
A Crypto Enthusiast before the term was even a „thing‟, Kevin brought transparency to Forex via his unique FXPIG brand and he continually pushes to close the profit gap between institutional and retail traders. FXPIG is not the largest FX broker, but that is by design based on his vision. It was created to change the industry, and it did just that. FXPIG brought transparency to the forefront and it started a growing trend of client-centric shops that actually focus on their client‟s profitability rather than their losses. While FXPIG is still very unique in the FX space, it is proud to see the change it helped foster as it pushes through the industry. Kevin has always been a supporter of in-house tech development and FXPIG remains one of the few companies in FX to develop and trade on their own technology. This mantra is at the core of the CoinMetro philosophy as well. With his sights now set on blockchain, Kevin is ready to guide CoinMetro down a similar path; one that will eventually change the way this market operates.
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Participation in events

  • Chain 2020
  • Asia World Expo Chase, Chek Lap Kok, Hon...