

Created using Figma
"Funganomics® is a technology-based company focused on key areas of growth within the Blockchain sector, introducing a revolutionary and highly scalable NFT and Play-To-Earn (PTE) Ecosystem.
Data is not available
Pre Sale
Nov 30, 2021
Dec 16, 2021
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Cap 1 250 000.00 USD
  • 1 FGS
    0.1 USD
Token Details
Token Distribution
Fungatopia 9%
FGS Games 14%
Fungality 12%
Staking 9%
Partnerships 5%
Tech/Marketing 4%
Exchanges 4%
Presale 5%
Public Sale 20%
Team 14%
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Registered Country
United Kingdom
Company Founded
Feb 1, 2021
Additional Details

About Funganomics

We are actively building fresh, innovative, fun and engaging products within the NFT/P2E Universe that fully integrates with our cutting-edge, next-generation platform Fungatopia, inherently primed for our FGS gaming division.

As part of our commitment to helping develop the future of NFTs, PTE gaming and cryptocurrency as a whole, we are also creating a versatile gaming engine that will host third-party gaming and app companies who wish to enter the PTE space.

We are a group of Blockchain, gaming and software enthusiasts who are incredibly passionate about the future of Funganomics® the possibilities it offers to consumers, businesses and society on a global scale. As such we are dedicated 24×7 to trailblazing within the sector."

Funganomics Roadmap

  • 2021

  • May 2021 - Ideas and concepts
    June 2021 - Initial website and company formation
    July 2021 - Token SC Development
    August 2021 - WP - V1
    September 2021 - Character Designs - NFT Platform Designs
    October 2021 - Character NFTs Traits
    November 2021 - Fungatopia SC + Token SC Development Binance
    December 2021 - NFT SC
  • 2022

  • January 2022 - AR design process
    February 2022 - AR backend portals + Ramp
    March 2022 - Dubai WBS - Staking platform SC design + AR Merge
    April 2022 - Staking platform SC build + AI considerations
    May 2022 - Staking platform code + Metaverse solution + Gaming studio sessions
    June 2022 - Metaverse solution + Gaming Demos + Titus Trailer
    July 2022 - Multiple Partnerships (Announced when applicable) + Gaming Demos + Content creation + SC Auditing software consultation
    August 2022 - Layer 2 Solution Design + Conferences + Content creation
    September 2022 - Polygon studios + Staking homepage redesign + WP updates
  • 2022 Q4

  • NFT platform launch
    NFT Drop (Art)
    AR phase 2
    Wallet design
  • 2023 Q1

  • NFT Drop (Character)
    Creator partnerships
    Further NFT platform upgrades
    Game designs (specific to platforms)
    Wallet development
  • Read More
  • 2023 Q2

  • Layer 2 name and specification announcement
    Layer 2 build commences (choo choo)
    NFT Drops
    Further game developments
  • 2023 Q3

  • AR Phase 3
    Land sale
    Gaming beta testing

Funganomics Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Len Martin
Ryan Mclean
Head of Design
Brett Smith
Shane Price
Sales Director
Jeremy Roberts

Funganomics Last News

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