

Created using Figma
"Funganomics® is a technology-based company focused on key areas of growth within the Blockchain sector, introducing a revolutionary and highly scalable NFT and Play-To-Earn (PTE) Ecosystem.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
Pre Sale
30 nov. 2021
16 dec. 2021
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
pet 1 250 000.00 USD
  • 1 FGS
    0.1 USD
Details token
Token Distributie
Fungatopia 9%
FGS Games 14%
Fungality 12%
Staking 9%
Partnerships 5%
Tech/Marketing 4%
Exchanges 4%
Presale 5%
Public Sale 20%
Team 14%
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Geregistreerd land
United Kingdom
Bedrijf opgericht
Feb 1, 2021
aanvullende details

Over Funganomics

We are actively building fresh, innovative, fun and engaging products within the NFT/P2E Universe that fully integrates with our cutting-edge, next-generation platform Fungatopia, inherently primed for our FGS gaming division.

As part of our commitment to helping develop the future of NFTs, PTE gaming and cryptocurrency as a whole, we are also creating a versatile gaming engine that will host third-party gaming and app companies who wish to enter the PTE space.

We are a group of Blockchain, gaming and software enthusiasts who are incredibly passionate about the future of Funganomics® the possibilities it offers to consumers, businesses and society on a global scale. As such we are dedicated 24×7 to trailblazing within the sector."

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2021

  • May 2021 - Ideas and concepts
    June 2021 - Initial website and company formation
    July 2021 - Token SC Development
    August 2021 - WP - V1
    September 2021 - Character Designs - NFT Platform Designs
    October 2021 - Character NFTs Traits
    November 2021 - Fungatopia SC + Token SC Development Binance
    December 2021 - NFT SC
  • 2022

  • January 2022 - AR design process
    February 2022 - AR backend portals + Ramp
    March 2022 - Dubai WBS - Staking platform SC design + AR Merge
    April 2022 - Staking platform SC build + AI considerations
    May 2022 - Staking platform code + Metaverse solution + Gaming studio sessions
    June 2022 - Metaverse solution + Gaming Demos + Titus Trailer
    July 2022 - Multiple Partnerships (Announced when applicable) + Gaming Demos + Content creation + SC Auditing software consultation
    August 2022 - Layer 2 Solution Design + Conferences + Content creation
    September 2022 - Polygon studios + Staking homepage redesign + WP updates
  • 2022 Q4

  • NFT platform launch
    NFT Drop (Art)
    AR phase 2
    Wallet design
  • 2023 Q1

  • NFT Drop (Character)
    Creator partnerships
    Further NFT platform upgrades
    Game designs (specific to platforms)
    Wallet development
  • Lees verder
  • 2023 Q2

  • Layer 2 name and specification announcement
    Layer 2 build commences (choo choo)
    NFT Drops
    Further game developments
  • 2023 Q3

  • AR Phase 3
    Land sale
    Gaming beta testing

Funganomics Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Len Martin
Ryan Mclean
Head of Design
Brett Smith
Shane Price
Sales Director
Jeremy Roberts

Funganomics Laatste nieuws

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