DeFi For You.

DeFi For You.

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DeFi For You.™ — A new decentralized P2P loan economy and the first-ever P2P NFT trading platform built on the Binance Smart Chain, powered by the $DFY smart contract token.
To be announced
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About DeFi For You.

Traditional loans are inflexible and inaccessible to most people in 2021. DeFi has proven there is a working use-case in decentralizing such financial services.

However, blockchain comes with anonymity and removes trusted third-parties, which limits the types of loans that can be issued. Why? Because some people are more likely to pay back a loan than others.

Trust and reputation still matters when issuing loans.

DeFi For You solves this by building an irrefutable, verifiable reputation system onto the blockchain and tying it together with decentralized finance services.

The result is a peer-to-peer loan economy, whereby lenders can trivially repossess collateral via smart contracts.

Now, for the first time, P2P loans can be issued to anyone, regardless of their reputation.

DeFi For You. Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Adam Chaplin
CEO & Founder
Dr. Tuan Dang Minh
Cong Nguyen
CEO of Blockchain Developer Asia
Sean Mason
Strategic Partner
Tung Duong Thanh
Tech Team Leader
William Gray
Hoang Dinh Ngoc
Dung Hoang
Vice Director of Internal Audit, VietBank

DeFi For You. Last News

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