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Sans – an Ethereum memecoin inspired by the famous meme Sans, an iconic character from the popular game Undertale, created by the legendary Toby Fox. A memecoin poised to revolutionize the memes & crypto landscape. While various animal-inspired coins have had their moments, it’s time for a Skeleton to steal the spotlight.
Fair Launch on PinkSale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 400 000.00 USD
Limit 2 000.00 USD
Presale (42.05%) - 37,005,128,205.1282
Liquidity Pool (39.95)- 35,154,856,000
CEX Listing (4.8)- 4,224,000,000
Marketing (4.8) - 4,224,000,000
Ecosystem (4.8) - 4,224,000,000
Current & Future Team (3) - 2,640,000,000
Charity (0.6) - 528,000,000
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Sans labs
Eingetragenes Land
United Kingdom
Weitere Details

Über Sans

Sans is a powerful and enigmatic skeleton with a heart full of justice. He possesses supernatural abilities that make him nearly invincible, yet he refuses to use his powers for violence. Instead, Sans has made a vow to never kill a human, choosing to help them fight against evil forces. He is a jester at heart, always seeking to make people laugh and forget their troubles. But beneath his jovial exterior, there is a deep sadness that he keeps hidden from the world. Sans longs for the peace of death, yet he is bound to live by an unknown purpose. He wanders the world like a ghost, searching for a reason to keep living, to keep fighting. And though his journey is fraught with danger, Sans never loses hope that he will one day find his true purpose and find peace at last.

Sans is not just a character within a game; he has become a phenomenon that transcends digital realms. His unique personality and iconic lines have given birth to the Sans meme, spreading laughter and joy across the internet.

At Sans, our vision is to revolutionize the meme industry and drive its growth. Unlike other memecoin projects with large market caps, we're not just building communities and products for ourselves, but for the entire meme industry. We question what they're truly doing to advance the meme landscape. Sans is not just another memecoin riding the hype. We're here to make a meaningful impact on the meme industry as a whole. Through groundbreaking concepts such as Meme Gamification, Meme Portal, Meme Markets, Twitter Meme Bots, and more, we aim to propel the meme industry forward. We're dedicated to empowering creators, fostering a culture of collaboration, and harnessing the power of memes for positive change. Together, let's make a difference in the world of memes, one meme at a time.

Sans Mannschaft

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