Meme Index

Meme Index

Created using Figma
The Meme Index represents a huge step in the meme coin ecosystem. By aggregating market-wide exposure into curated indexes, it combines innovation, decentralization, and community governance into a single platform for meme coin enthusiasts. With $MEMEX, you can unlock the explosive potential of meme coins while having the flexibility of choosing your risk tolerance.
39% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Presale 15%
Percentage of the supply dedicated to presale purchases. Presale is live now. During presale, token purchases can be staked to earn a significant APY%.

Staking 25%
Percentage of the supply dedicated to staking rewards. Presale buyers may stake immediately during presale to begin earning APY%.

Marketing 20%
Percentage of the supply to be utilized for marketing purposes and initiatives. This includes PR, KOLs, Digital Media, Digital Out Of Home Media (Billboards), Social Media, and more.

Community Rewards & Incentives 20%
Percentage of the supply to be utilized for the betterment and incentivization of the community to self-promote, share, and grow the Meme Index brand.

Treasury And Governance 20%
Percentage of the supply dedicated to the project treasury, and governance. $MEMEX is a governance token, wherein the holding of the token allows for voting rights as well as Index access.
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Über Meme Index

The Meme Index represents a huge step in the meme coin ecosystem. By aggregating market-wide exposure into curated indexes, it combines innovation, decentralization, and community governance into a single platform for meme coin enthusiasts. With $MEMEX, you can unlock the explosive potential of meme coins while having the flexibility of choosing your risk tolerance.

Meme Index Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • $MEMEX Presale
    The $MEMEX token presale takes place in stages. At each stage, the presale price increases. Presale tokens can be staked during presale for significant APY.
  • Phase 2

  • $MEMEX Token Launch
    $MEMEX token launches on exchanges. Presale staking ends, and rewards are claimable.
  • Phase 3

  • Platform Governance Begins
    Governance of the Meme Index platform, with $MEMEX as the governance token begins. Submissions and voting go live.
  • Phase 4

  • Index Goes Live
    The four Meme Indexes, from Titan to Frenzy, go live. $MEMEX holders may stake their tokens, and participate in the meme coin market.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Phase 5

  • Platform utility expansion phase
    A vast expansion of the Meme Index platform, dictated by community vote. Proposals may be submitted and voted upon ONLY by $MEMEX holders.


2 766
30 Tage Wachstum:

Meme Index Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

5.0 9
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft
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