Created using Figma
AI Born. Degen Raised.
Every 60 minutes, it must post. Every tag, it must absorb. Every meme, it must process.
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Most AI projects come pre-loaded with knowledge, rules, and careful programming. iDEGEN, though, is born knowing absolutely nothing. Think of it as a digital baby raised by the most chaotic family in finance—the crypto degen community. 

The project’s mechanics mean that the experiment can be observed—and influenced—in real-time. Every 60 minutes, without fail, iDEGEN must post what it's learned on X, synthesizing inputs from the community to come up with its own takes.  

Plus, it responds to every single interaction. Every tweet, every meme, and every trading theory gets processed and absorbed into its growing consciousness, combined with its existing knowledge base, and spat out in the form of a new post. 

With forced hourly posts and replies, iDEGEN sets up a perfect feedback loop with the community, creating an iterative learning process like no other. While other AI projects remain static, iDEGEN evolves constantly. Six months from now, it could be anything from a trading savant to a meme lord—or something entirely unexpected. 

The result is entirely up to the crypto community, setting up a battle between well-meaning AI parents, agents of chaos, and everything in between. Regardless of which side you fall on, you’ll be able to watch it all unfold in real-time on X. 


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