Created using Figma

Letztes Update


Mittelbeschaffung für die Produktion eines Science-Fiction-Films.
100% abgeschlossen
$224 000
harte kappe
22% limit abgeschlossen
Limit 980 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 1 960 000.00 USD
Mai, 2018
Jun, 2018
100% abgeschlossen
$1 000 000
100% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 1 000 000.00 USD
Limit 100 000.00 USD
  • 1 RNM
    0.2 USD
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details


Unsere 12-jährige Erfahrung in der Produktion und im Vertrieb von Filmen sowie unser professionelles Team aus Entwicklern und Blockchain-Spezialisten werden uns helfen, eine innovative Plattform zu schaffen, die allen bestehenden Konkurrenten weit überlegen ist. Um die Beta-Version von CRYPTOMOVIE zu testen, verwenden wir den Original-Sci-Fi-Film rnr, der von der LAM-Filmgesellschaft mit den Mitteln produziert wird, die während des Vorverkaufs im November-Dezember 2017 gesammelt wurden.

Die Produktion läuft auf Hochtouren, und der Film wird 2018 erscheinen. Neben dem Testen der Effizienz der CRYPTOMOVIE-Plattform wird der Film höchst originelle Handlungswechsel und erstaunliche Spezialeffekte durch das ILM-Studio in London beinhalten , die an den Star Wars und Iron Man Franchises gearbeitet hat.


Der estnische Hedgefonds CRISSE ist verantwortlich für den REANIMATOR ICO und die Entwicklung der CRYPTOMOVIE-Blockchain-Plattform. Die russische Filmproduktionsfirma LAM wird nach CRISSE den Science-Fiction-Thriller REANIMATOR produzieren, um den CRYPTOMOVIE MVP in 12 Kinos in der EU zu testen und anschließend eine 5-Jahres-Lizenz an das chinesische Staatsunternehmen China Film zu verkaufen Gruppe. Das Drehbuch wurde von Alan Klaudis geschrieben und Ruslan Magomadov wird Regie führen.

Technische Information

Within the CRYPTOMOVIE platform, the system's own token  RNM - will serve as the only means of payment. Moviegoers will be able to purchase RNM tokens on the platform using the in-built instant digital currency exchange API offering the best available rates. RNM tokens will also be available at digital exchanges, and users will be able to transfer them directly into their individual CRYPTOMOVIE wallets in their user accounts on the platform. For those users who are not yet familiar with cryptocurrencies, there will be an easy option to buy RNM with fiat money through an outside service offering free market rates. 

Tickets for any film will be available for purchase online for RNM tokens:

  1. a) at the CRYPTOMOVIE website with payment in RNM
  2. b) via the CRYPTOMOVIE mobile app with payment in RNM, by credit card, or using an electronic wallet.

For each movie ticket purchase paid for with RNM, the buyer will be rewarded with RNM tokens, which can be exchanged for fiat money at digital exchanges or used to buy more movie tickets.

 Whenever a user chooses to buy cinema tickets for fiat cash directly at a cinema,  the online CRYPTOMOVIE system (integrated with the API of the cinema's ticket counter) will automatically record the transaction data (including the price, date, movie title, and cinema name) on the film's unique blockchain address. This way, all the date on the number and price of sold tickets will be permanently stored on the CRYPTOMOVIE blockchain without any risk of falsification.

Whenever a user purchases a movie ticket online paying with RNM, CRYPTOMOVIE will automatically transmit the transaction information using an encrypted channel to the online data center of the movie theater in question, where the user can choose to obtain a classic paper ticket by presenting the QR code or simply show the QR code upon entering. 

In case of large queues at the ticket counter or when paying for tickets with RNM is not possible, customers will be able to used dedicated ticket terminals installed in cinemas, paying with RNM or fiat money. Such terminals will be installed by the movie theater management or by independent entrepreneurs in exchange for a 0.1% fee on each ticket sale.

Here is a brief summary: information on the number of sold tickets for each film becomes impossible  to falsify, since it is stored on the CRYPTOMOVIE blockchain platform. Thus, the owners of distribution rights for the film are protected from fraud and can be sure to receive a revenue that exactly corresponds to the actual number of sold tickets (in accordance with the revenue sharing agreements signed with each cinema chain).

 The release of REANIMATOR is planned for December 2018 in Russia, the CIS, Europe, and China. The MVP ticket sale system using the CRYPTOMOVIE technology will be tested during pilot showings of REANIMATOR in 12 EU cinemas in May 2019.





Verifiziert 33%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Sergey Petriga
Lead cinematographer
Alan Klaudis
Screenwriter, producer, president of the CRISSE He...


$1 224 000

Vsevolod Lukovsky
Head of the CRYPTOMOVIE development department.


Ruslan Magomadov

REANIMATOR Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 1
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft
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