How Immediate Edge Has Changed the Face of Trading

How Immediate Edge Has Changed the Face of Trading

Whether you are an experienced trader or you’re new to the process, there’s no doubting that the financial markets can be volatile. It’s as easy to lose money as it is to make a profit. Human error is one of the biggest causes of large losses, especially among new traders. For decades, this has been unavoidable, but with the introduction of functional AI, this could change. At least, that’s one of the goals of Immediate Edge.

Founder Edwin Jones set out to revolutionize the trading market when he founded Immediate Edge, and now that the platform is available worldwide, it seems he may have succeeded.

What Makes Immediate Edge Different?

Immediate Edge is both similar and different to other online trading platforms. Let’s start with the similarities. Immediate Edge offers quick, secure trades, a reasonable minimum deposit requirement, and a good range of options for trading. Like other sites, you can do all of this manually if you want to.

What makes Immediate Edge different is that you do not have to trade manually if you do not want to. They have an AI assisted account option that will make trades on your behalf. This may seem risky, but Immediate Edge claims that their algorithm has a success rate of over 90%. This incredible feat has a lot to do with the way that their AI gathers and analyses data on market trends and potential risk factors. By doing so, it makes automated trades in line with pre-set criteria.

Is Immediate Edge Safe?

The question many people ask is whether Immediate Edge is safe to use. The answer comes in two parts.

  • Immediate Edge is a legitimate, secure company; it is absolutely safe to trade through their platform.
  • However, there is risk involved in all forms of trading; Immediate Edge’s AI algorithm minimizes avoidable risks, but it cannot remove all risk from the process.

If you trade, your money will always be at risk because there are certain factors that even AI cannot account or plan for. Despite this, the biggest risk factor – human error – is removed by the use of AI.

How to Get Started with Immediate Edge

If you are ready to get started on your trading journey with Immediate Edge, you will need to provide your name, email address, and a phone number. You will have to verify and fund your account before you can begin trading. This process is quick and straightforward. Once you have funded your account, however, you must choose whether to trade manually or with AI assistance. You can change this choice at a later date if you want to.

If you decide to withdraw your funds, you can do so at any time. The withdrawal request process is simple and intuitive. Once your request has been processed, it will take roughly three to five days for your funds to hit your bank. Of course, there’s a lot more to learn about the platform and you will find the necessary resources on the website. 

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