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Tokemak creates sustainable DeFi liquidity and capital efficient markets through a convenient decentralized market making protocol
  • 市场
  • HTX
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%个月前
    $ 0.6298
    $ 31.105 K
  • Kraken
    TOKE/USD ] 1,Inf [%count%个月前
    $ 0.6600
    $ 1.831 K
  • Kraken
    TOKE/EUR ] 1,Inf [%count%个月前
    $ 0.6788
    $ 185.59
  • Gemini
    TOKE/USD 一年前
    $ 0.8270
    $ 506.34
  • CoinEx
    TOKE/USDT 一年前
    $ 0.8300
    $ 8.957 K
  • Sushiswap
    TOKE/0XC02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2 一年前
    $ 4.75
    $ 2.931 M
  • Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
    TOKE/0XC02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2 一年前
    $ 4.74
    $ 2.231 M
    TOKE/USDT 一年前
    $ 5.86
    $ 24.72 K
  • Uniswap (v3)
    TOKE/0XC02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2 一年前
    $ 5.98
    $ 21.24
  • BingX
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 23.97
    $ 16.613 K
  • BKEX
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 23.96
    $ 93.54 K
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 24.18
    $ 236.385 K
  • Bitget
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 24.11
    $ 131.06 K
  • AEX
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 24.32
    $ 132.886 K
  • XT.COM
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 23.93
    $ 167.148 K
  • Poloniex
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 28.01
    $ 10.00
  • Sushiswap
    TOKE/0X6B3595068778DD592E39A122F4F5A5CF09C90FE2 ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 51.54
  • MEXC
    TOKE/USDT ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 42.00
    $ 625.542 K
To be announced
30,000,000 TOKE (30%): Reward Emissions
5,000,000 TOKE (5%): Cycle Zero’s DeGenesis Event and CoRE (Collateralization of Reactors Event), the first distribution of TOKE
9,000,000 TOKE (9%): DAO Reserve
16,500,000 TOKE (16.5%): Contributors (12 month cliff +12 month linear vest)
14,000,000 TOKE (14%): Team (12 month cliff +12 month linear vest)
17,000,000 TOKE (17%): Investors (12 month cliff +12 month linear vest)
8,500,000 TOKE (8.5%): DAOs & Market Makers (12 month cliff +12 month linear vest)


Tokemak is a novel protocol designed to generate deep, sustainable liquidity for DeFi and future tokenized applications that will arise throughout the growth and evolution of web3.

It can be thought of as a decentralized market making platform and a liquidity router that disaggregates traditional liquidity provision and market making for DeFi. Sitting a "layer above" decentralized exchanges, Tokemak allows for control over where the liquidity flows, and also offers an easier, cheaper way for providing and sourcing liquidity.

The Current State of Liquidity in DeFi

The current state of DeFi is comprised of fragmented, unpredictable, and expensively sourced liquidity. Builders of new projects bear massive costs pursuing liquidity solutions through incentivized "pool 2's," which can dry up when the incentives are exhausted. Providing 50/50 paired liquidity is expensive for an individual, and has the looming risk of impermanent loss. Traditional market making solutions are opaque for native DeFi builders, highly centralized, and expensive. Finally, reliance upon whales to provide liquidity results in a perpetual state of uncertainty.

Insufficient liquidity results in poor pricing and volatility. This negatively impacts projects/DAOs seeking deep liquidity for their tokens, exchanges looking to offer the best possible pricing, and the individual, hoping to avoid slippage due to the price impact of their trade. Additionally, protocols interacting with other projects' tokens require reliable liquidity.

High Level Protocol Functionality

Tokemak enables users to both provide liquidity and control where that liquidity goes.

Liquidity Providers deposit single-sided assets into individual Token Reactors and/or Genesis Pools (ETH, USDC), and earn yield in the form of TOKE, Tokemak's native protocol token.

Liquidity Directors stake TOKE into individual Token Reactors and vote how that liquidity gets paired from the Genesis Pools and to what exchange venue it gets directed. They too earn yield in the form of TOKE.

TOKE can be thought of as generalized or tokenized liquidity. TOKE holders are able to generate liquidity on demand for whatever tokens they want, on whatever exchange they want, by controlling and directing Tokemak's TVL.

Tokemak has several different mechanics and guardrails in place to mitigate IL risk to ensure that Liquidity Providers can always claim their underlying assets deposited, 1:1. These mechanics involve some risk to TOKE stakers, but only as a last resort.

The protocol captures fees from providing liquidity across DeFi. Over time, this will allow Tokemak to build a strong reserve of various assets in Tokemak's PCA (Protocol Controlled Assets). In the end, the PCA is controlled by TOKE holders through decentralized governance.

Tokemak allows for unique composability opportunities for new and existing token projects and DAOs, allowing for more strategic liquidity deployment, ownership, and control.

It offers opportunities for exchanges to reinforce their liquidity and for market makers to leverage the PCA to create deep liquidity for a specific project.

Eventually, Tokemak will allow for new projects to stand up their initial liquidity as determined by TOKE governance.


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