BitDonaTion Token

BitDonaTion Token

Created using Figma



Blockchain platform for transparent donation transactions
2 month
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
目标 3 650 000.00 USD

关于 BitDonaTion Token

The BitDonation platform is a fast, open-source platform that focuses on accurate and transparent information protection.
Includes a ledger system that anonymously measures recipients' total donations to accurately reward donors.
BDT, an ERC-20 token, will be the unit of exchange for the new decentralized, open-source and efficient blockchain-based BitDonations platform.


Based on a decentralized system, donation data is stored in a distributed manner using blockchain technology, and can be used without third party intervention through smart contract technology.


It is a zero-knowledge proof system deployed to enable BitDonations platform users to make anonymous donations using BDT tokens as a medium of exchange.
BDT holders can make donations or purchase services within the platform.
Holders can stake tokens and receive rewards. You can receive tokens as compensation when making a donation transaction.


  • Plan for the first half of 2024

  • 1) Platform construction and app development We plan to build the basic structure of the Bitdonations platform and develop a user-friendly app.
    2) Establishment of partners and partnerships Expand the Bitdonations ecosystem by connecting with various partners and partners
    3) Promotion of token listing Preparations are in progress for the listing of Bitdonations tokens, and the listing exchange may vary depending on the time.
    4) Opening of user communication channels
    Plan to open a channel to strengthen communication with users through the Bitdonations application
  • Plan for the second half of 2024

  • 1) Token listing and mainnet development Following preparation work in the first half of the year, tokens will be listed and Bitdonations’ mainnet development will proceed.
    2) Development of donation NFT We plan to develop donation NFT to make donation activities more transparent and efficient.
    3) Development of self-service donation app We plan to further revitalize the donation culture by developing an application that supports self-service donation activities.

BitDonaTion Token 球队

验证 100%

Kwadwo (Boateng) Ofo...
Lee Dae Han

BitDonaTion Token 面试

Kwadwo (Boateng) Ofori-Amanfo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Lead developer
What do you think about idea?
It is a laudable vision
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO and planner of BITDONATION.
I have experience in research and participating in projects in the blockchain field.
He got into planning while working and studying in the IT industry.
What do you think about idea?
When we planned the donation platform and started the startup, everyone expressed concern and anxiety with doubt rather than welcome.
Since I was just an ordinary person who was interested, could I risk my life to do this? A question mark always lingered in my head.
But the more I do it, the more I think, I have to do it, I have to do it.
We cannot experience the good technology called blockchain.
I know very well that there will be many trials to apply it to an actual platform and commercialize it.
However, we will do our best to make it a company that does what the world needs.
The transparent and immutable nature of blockchain technology allows organizations to experience a variety of benefits.

Transparency: Information in the blockchain is visible to all participants and cannot be changed. This reduces risk and fraud and builds trust.
Security: Blockchain is difficult to hack due to its distributed and encrypted nature. This demonstrates the potential for business and Internet of Things (IoT) security.
Reduce middlemen: Blockchain is a true peer-to-peer network that reduces dependence on some types of third-party intermediaries. This makes processes more efficient and reduces data entry errors and transaction fees.
Traceability: Blockchain data is immutable, making it ideal for tracking items or provenance within complex supply chains.
Increase efficiency and ROI: Distributed ledgers help companies build leaner, more efficient, and more profitable processes, delivering faster ROI.
Faster Processes: Blockchain speeds up process execution in scenarios with multiple parties and enables faster transactions without constraints on business hours.
Automation: Blockchain is programmable, so it can automatically trigger actions, events, and payments when conditions are met.
Data Privacy: Information is verified and added to the blockchain through a consensus process, but the data itself is converted into a series of letters and numbers by a hash code. Network participants have no way to interpret this information without the key.

It is difficult for ordinary users of such blockchains to feel the benefits.
Anyone who wants to donate does not have to do it unconditionally.
The target group is also indiscriminate.
However, for now, I am not looking for any profit but am devoting my youth to normalizing this situation.
I hope you can help me a lot.
We will definitely implement a platform that is easy, understandable, understandable, and convenient.

BitDonaTion Token 最新消息

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