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Titano.finance its bringing a revolutionary Concept inside the cryptocurrency world, by introducing the 1st automatic staking. just buy, hold and watch your portfolio grow. Titano is an elastic token which, through a positive rebase formula, allows $TITANO holders earn staking rewards just by holding the token.
  • 市场
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    $ 0.0138
    $ 31.039 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    TITANO/WBNB ] 1,Inf [%count%一年前
    $ 0.1923
    $ 2.637 M
To be announced

关于 Titano

Titano is positioned to lead a revolution in DeFi with the Titano Autostaking Protocol or TAP, a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, and gives $TITANO token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.

TAP gives the Titano token automatic staking and compounding features, and the highest Fixed APY in the market 102,483.58%, a daily ROI (Return On Investment) of 1.917%.

Titano is a developer based company focused on innovation that creates benefits and value for Titano token holders. Our TAP protocol isused in the Titano token giving it exception benefits for holders of $TITANO:

  • Easy and Safe – We provide autostaking right in your wallet when you purchase $TITANO. No need to move your tokens to our website. From the minute you buy, you are staked, and set to receive rebase rewards. The easiest auto-staking in DeFi.
  • A Fixed APY – APYs that fluctuate means you can never tell how many tokens you will receive. Other DeFi protocols pay out a high APY that can fluctuate by 90% in a day. TAP pays $TITANO holders a fixed interest rate of 1.917% daily or with compounding 102,483.58% annually, that tops the industry.
  • Fast Rebase Rewards. Other popular staking protocols pay rebasing rewards every 8 hours which means if you want to unstake you have to time it to get maximum rewards. The Titano Auto-staking Protocol pays every 30 minutes or 48 times every day, making it the fastest auto-staking protocol in crypto.

The TAP uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It also uses game theory and human nature to determine the most likely habits of those who buy the token. Our development team has coordinated all of these elements so they work seamlessly behind the scenes. The result is a simple and elegant staking and rewards system for $TITANO holders.

The TAP is as flexible as it is powerful and will be used as the foundation for a range of Titano products, services, and projects going forward. Each will transform a different area of crypto.

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