Adrian Arora

Founder | ICO Advisor | ICO Marketing & Strategist | Blockchain | SaaS Sales | MBA |
$ 119,536
Projects Raised
About Adrian Arora
Founder of AMICORUM.LIVE. Working with an "AMAZING TEAM" to help re-shape the Secondary Ticket Re-Sale market. An avid supporter of the blockchain, its technology, past, present and "THE" future. I am excited and thrilled with the innovation stream that Blockchain has brought to the world and what the technology can do for common individuals. Supporting and Advising on 3 ICO's - especially working with them on promoting, conceptualizing, marketing and guiding the budgets for advertising spend on their projects. "Really like reading new whitepapers daily, reviewing what new projects have to offer and how I can support them." There are so many ICO's that have a great project, amazing idea and innovative thought process. It intrigues me to just know what they are doing. Lived in 5 different continents, love the culture, people and travel.
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Associated ICOs