Oak Security

Oak Security

Created using Figma
Securing the decentralized trustless future
At Oak Security, we offer security auditing and cyber security advisory services with a special focus on third-generation blockchains such as the Cosmos SDK and CosmWasm, Polkadot and Substrate, Solana, NEAR, and Flow (Cadence) ecosystems. We also serve Ethereum and EVM-compatible ecosystems through our brand Solidified.
To be announced

关于 Oak Security


How we can support you

Our services cover all aspects of your software lifecycle, from early planning, secure design, economic consulting, secure development processes, over in-depth protocol reviews, secure use of cryptography and smart contract audits to on-going operational security.

Idea discovery Security-first design Protocol
review & design Economic consulting Secure development consulting Code reviews & penetration testing Release management consulting Operational security consulting

Securing the digital frontier

Architecture Whitepapers, protocol design documents, economic models, governance models...
Layer 1 Node implementations, consensus protocols, cryptographic primitives...
Layer 2 Roll-up processors, cross-layer communication, settlement protocols…
Smart Contracts Decentralized finance (DeFi), identity, governance protocols, DAOs...
Off-chain DApps, wallets, bridges, data aggregation/indexing layers...

Oak Security 球队

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Dr. Stefan Beyer
Managing Director
Philip Stanislaus
Managing Director

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