Oak Security

Oak Security

Created using Figma
Securing the decentralized trustless future
At Oak Security, we offer security auditing and cyber security advisory services with a special focus on third-generation blockchains such as the Cosmos SDK and CosmWasm, Polkadot and Substrate, Solana, NEAR, and Flow (Cadence) ecosystems. We also serve Ethereum and EVM-compatible ecosystems through our brand Solidified.
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Over Oak Security


How we can support you

Our services cover all aspects of your software lifecycle, from early planning, secure design, economic consulting, secure development processes, over in-depth protocol reviews, secure use of cryptography and smart contract audits to on-going operational security.

Idea discovery Security-first design Protocol
review & design Economic consulting Secure development consulting Code reviews & penetration testing Release management consulting Operational security consulting

Securing the digital frontier

Architecture Whitepapers, protocol design documents, economic models, governance models...
Layer 1 Node implementations, consensus protocols, cryptographic primitives...
Layer 2 Roll-up processors, cross-layer communication, settlement protocols…
Smart Contracts Decentralized finance (DeFi), identity, governance protocols, DAOs...
Off-chain DApps, wallets, bridges, data aggregation/indexing layers...

Oak Security Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Dr. Stefan Beyer
Managing Director
Philip Stanislaus
Managing Director

Oak Security Laatste nieuws

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