

Created using Figma
Gamification Simplified Protocol(GSP)

The DeFi Rating Agency

Uniswap in DEX v.s. Clover42 in Prediction Market

Fun, Fair and Revolutionary
To be announced

关于 Clover42

Token Introduction

Clover42 is an open-source, innovative, decentralized prediction market. C42 is the experimental platform token mined by algorithm adjusted yield farming with both revenue and governance functions. Fund out of predicting investments vault would be semi-random frequently distributed to repurchase and burn C42 to maintain and raise the value of the token, fully controlled by collective smart contracts.

Token supply

The Total Supply consists of 10,240,000 C42.

Inflation or Deflation

Total number 10,240,000 of C42 is fixed. Periodical Repurchasing and Burning result in Deflation effect

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