Peter Merc

Blockchain legal advisor, fintech expert
$ 36,547,362
Projects Raised
About Peter Merc
Dr. Peter Merc is sharing economy and blockchain enthusiast. He is a cofounder of Lemur Legal (, a legal consultancy and digital transformation advocacy company based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Peter is lead coordinator of Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia, an NGO with the main goal to serve as a platform for blockchain knowledge in Slovenia and as a link between private and public sector. American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia established Circular and Sharing Economy Committee, where Peter acts as a co-chair. Before moving to startup and fintech world, Peter worked in banking sector (master and ph.D. from banking). Peter still has ties with banking, as he was appointed to the position of a member of supervisory board of Slovenian systemic bank (ABanka d.d.). Peter is advisor in several ICO projects: X8 AG (, CargoX (, BlockSquare (, TrustedHealth (, Robotina (, etc.