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Mazzuma - это система расчетов с мобильными деньгами, которая обеспечивает беспроблемную оплату с использованием распределенной безопасной инфраструктуры и шифрования. Маркер Matsuma под названием MAZ является основным платежным средством в экосистеме Matsuma. Сделки, совершаемые в Matsuma Plaza Form, осуществляются мгновенно, комиссия за транзакцию не взимается. Эта философия является движущей силой экосистемы Mazzuma, которая развивает надежную и надежную платежную экосистему, доступную для общественности, и предоставляет пользователям свободу использования средств удобным и беззаботным образом.
Phase 3
7 авг. 2018 г.
5 сент. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$78 472
0% cap завершено
Цель 40 000 000.00 USD
Cap 20 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 MAZ
    0.75 USD
Детали токена
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Зарегистрированная Страна
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MVP / Prototype

О проекте Mazzuma

In line with the growing mobile money sector, the digital payments landscape in Africa continues to grow. However, with over 50% of the continent's population being unbanked and having little to no access to formal financial services, they are excluded from digital payments. In 2013, CYST created Mazzuma, a web application which provided a secure, simple and fast payment gateway for mobile money to address the issue of digital payments in Ghana. After successfully partnering with the major telecommunication network providers in Ghana (MTN, Vodafone, Airtel and Tigo) and successful integrations with several online merchants, Mazzuma evolved into a mobile money app in 2017. It was the first of its kind to utilize the power of artificial intelligence to process payments on Facebook Messenger and Telegram. Our services enabled our users to purchase airtime, pay their bills, send and receive money across mobile networks for free! Today, Mazzuma is one of the leading payment systems in Ghana and has access to over 15 million mobile money subscribers.

The next phase of Mazzuma bridges the gap between the significant economic benefits of mobile money and the innovation of cryptocurrencies. After making efforts to achieve financial inclusion and interoperability in our market, Mazzuma is ready to share our services and innovation with the world by creating the Mazzuma Token. The Mazzuma token (MAZ) utilizes a distributed secure infrastructure and cryptocurrency to enable seamless payments.

Our team has dedicated their time to working on the tiniest details to ensure our users experience exciting and innovative features. Our new and improved bots allow users to send MAZ tokens to other users via Facebook and Telegram. Developers! We haven't forgotten about you; we have created an API which allows you to accept MAZ tokens in their applications. We have also created plugins which give e-commerce shops the option of accepting the MAZ token, giving users the option to purchase their goods and services in a secure and instant manner. The Mazzuma app has also experienced a 360 makeover. With a companion keyboard feature, users can now experience a more seamless and convenient experience as they can make transactions without leaving their favorite messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, Viber and WeChat.

Our expertise with mobile money in the Sub-Saharan African market allows us to merge our knowledge and experience to create a more holistic payment system. Here is your opportunity to become part of the future of payment.

Mazzuma is a mobile money payment system that utilizes distributed secure infrastructure and cryptocurrency to enable seamless payments. The Mazzuma token, which will be referred to as MAZ, will be the key payment medium in the Mazzuma ecosystem. Transactions made on the Mazzuma platform are instantaneous and free of transaction fees. This philosophy is the driving force behind the Mazzuma ecosystem, which is to develop a strong and robust payment ecosystem which is available to the masses and provides the freedom for users to use their funds in a convenient and stress-free manner.

This aims to ensure that cryptocurrencies gradually replace existing mobile money as the main method of payment on the African continent by merging both systems on existing platforms. McKinsey estimates there are 100 million active MFS customers in Africa dealing in transactions worth $2.1 billion. Merging these systems together will accelerate cryptocurrency growth and will also expose users to the advantages of blockchain-based payments which will help correct existing problems with mobile money payments.



  • Электронная коммерция: Плагины для таких платформ электронной коммерции, как Woocommerce и Prestashop, будут Сделано доступным для онлайн-магазинов для интеграции и приема токенов Mazzuma для платежей. Когда пользователь посещает любой интернет-магазин, который принимает Mazzuma, ему просто нужно выбрать & ldquo; Оплатить с помощью Mazzuma & rdquo; вариант.
  • Rest API: Разработчикам будет предоставлен интерфейс программирования приложений, который позволит им принимать токены Mazzuma в качестве платежей в приложения. Это будет поддерживать iOS, Android и веб-приложения.
  • Боты: С появлением чат-ботов и искусственного интеллекта в индустрии платежей, Mazzuma будет иметь платежных ботов на Facebook Messenger и Telegram. Пользователи этих платформ обмена мгновенными сообщениями могут использовать бот Mazzuma Bot для отправки токенов Mazzuma другим пользователям на платформе Mazzuma.
  • Клавиатура Mazzuma: Приложение Mazzuma поставляется с сопутствующей клавиатурой, которая позволяет пользователям совершать транзакции удобно, не выходя из любимого приложения для обмена сообщениями. Это позволит пользователям совершать транзакции в таких приложениях, как WhatsApp, WeChat, Snapchat и др.
  • Система идентификации пользователя: Жетоны в экосистеме Mazzuma хранятся в кошельках. Каждый кошелек уникально связан с одной учетной записью пользователя. Это означает, что один аккаунт может иметь только один кошелек. В отличие от длинных сложных адресов кошелька, используемых в большинстве криптовалют, учетные записи в Mazzuma идентифицируются с помощью понятного человеку буквенно-цифрового имени длиной от 2 до 32 символов. Примерами допустимых имен учетных записей являются @Elisha, @ fatima101, @ lekesha233 и т. Д.

Mazzuma Roadmap

  • Pre Sale

  • Token Sale Phase 1

  • Token Sale Phase 2

  • Token Sale Phase 3

  • Прочитайте больше
  • Launch of Mazzuma Token and App

  • Listing on exchanges

Mazzuma Команда

Проверено 100%

Kofi Genfi
Co-Founder and Director of Strategy
Nii Osae Osae Dade
Co-Founder and Director of Software Engineering
Fatima Tambajang
Business Development Associate
Kwabena Manu
Software Developer
Anna Neequaye
Administrative Assistant


Проверено 100%


$78 472

Elisha Owusu Akyaw
Marketing Adviser

Mazzuma Последние Новости

5.0 0
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Mazzuma Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

MAZZUMA is a mobile money transfer payment that utilizes a distributed secure infrastructure and cryptocurrency to enable seamless payments with Mazzuma tokens (MAZ) being the key payment medium in the ecosystem.


  1. The platform enables the users to make easy and efficient payment  through the Mazzuma bots  powered by the Artificial  Intelligence(AI)
  2. The platform has  a well developed application mobile application supported by Android an IOS which enables  the users to seamlessly and instantly transfer tokens to other users  with  a lot of ease
  3. The platform secures the user’s tokens as their accounts  are highly protected  by well established funds eliminating the transfer of  tokens from their accounts
  4. The platform use  reduces the transfer cost incurred by the users during  transactions making it highly reliable
  5. The  platform promotes e-commerce  as plug-ins for e-commerce platforms such as Woocommerce and Prestashop enables online shops to integrate   and accept the use of Mazzuma tokens for payments


  1. The platform involved team is missing in the white paper and the website
  2. The platform white paper is too shallow giving the users a little application of the MAZ tokens
  3. The amount raised by the MAZ tokens during the pre-sale stage is not specified in the whitepaper


  1. The platform whitepaper  and website should bear the involved team 
  2. The amount raised by the MAZ tokens during its pre-sale should be specified in the whitepaper to enable the users to determine its suitability
  3. The platform whitepaper should be made more lengthy and detailed to give the users all the required information on the use of the MAZ tokens


The platform helps in revolutionalizing the payment industry with instant cross-border payments however I would not invest in it as it still under-developed.

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