Forever Has Fallen

Forever Has Fallen

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Последнее обновление

3 апр. 2018 г.

НАВСЕГДА УПАЛ. Это всемирная трансмедиа игра с онлайн / офлайн экономикой, в которой используются токены платформы. Он может похвастаться бизнес-моделью, которая генерирует несколько источников дохода, включая валюты FIAT. Интеграция технологий блокчейна в систему повышает ценность как геймплея, так и геймеров. Кроме того, стратегическое использование поставки игровых токенов позволяет финансировать завершение игры, помимо обеспечения поддержки токена платформы в будущем.
8 мая 2018 г.
8 июн. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Hard cap 35 000 000.00 ETH
  • 1 ETH
    10,000 FC
Детали токена
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
дополнительные детали

О проекте Forever Has Fallen

Forever Has Fallen - глобальная трансмедиа-игра с онлайн / офлайн-экономикой для использования служебных токенов Forever Coin; опирается на бизнес-модель для получения нескольких источников доходов, в том числе валют FIAT. Стратегическое использование общего количества токенов позволяет финансировать завершение игры и обеспечивать поддержку служебного токена при запуске игры.

Событие продажи игровых токенов предлагает 35% от общего предложения токенов при 1ETH = 10 000 Forever Coin (FC), для жесткий колпачок 35000ETH. Покупка игрового токена предоставляет игроку права и привилегии в игре. Полученные средства завершат глобальную игру опыта, а также маркетинг для игроков в неоспоримом рыночном пространстве. В бизнес-плане есть стратегии удовлетворения различий в значениях ETH, чтобы выйти на рынок с игрой / услугами мирового класса.

После продажи игровых токенов 45% от общего количества токенов будет доступно для создания популярности игры, когда она запускается и для поддержки игрового токена. Служебные токены Forever Coin будут продаваться по цене 0,50 долл. США за токен на торговой площадке веб-сайта Forever Has Fallen. В качестве розничной цены мы можем устанавливать цены в соответствии с рыночными условиями. Эти 45% от общего количества токенов обеспечивают экономию игры, привлекают, стимулируют и поощряют игроков в игре, а также обеспечивают масштабируемость для создания и развития контента.


- Создание глобального неоспоримого рыночного пространства с использованием трех крупных и устоявшихся рыночных возможностей (Gaming / Transmedia / Streaming Video On Demand)

- проверенная команда для реализации проекта, имеющая послужной список в играх, трансмедиа, рассказывании историй, инновациях блокчейна и глобализирующихся технологиях

- информированный бизнес-план и бизнес-модель, которая понимает требования к финансированию для достижения успеха

- Бизнес-модель генерирует доходы FIAT и создает глобально конкурентоспособный бизнес

- Стратегическое использование токенов для обеспечения стабильности и долгосрочного успеха

Forever Has Fallen Roadmap

  • Stage 1

  • Events leading to the token sale.
  • Stage 2

  • Funding from token sale to complete and launch game.
  • Stage 3

  • Game economy, business model and strategic partnerships accelerate

Forever Has Fallen Команда

Проверено 100%

Kimon Lycos
CEO and Founder
Pier Stamatogiannis
Head of Strategy and Creative
Aditi Mohan
General Manager
Michael Ziersch
Head of Development
Emma Hackett
Head of Design
Samah Elgohary
Head of Marketing


Проверено 100%

Phil Mayes


$8 339 419

Alexander Mitrovich
Al Jawhari


$2 520 000

Adrian Smith
Anastasia Haysom Var...


$13 300 000

Ralf Gerteis

34 ICOs

$122 397 155

Bogdan Fiedur

Forever Has Fallen Интервью

Phil Mayes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am an advisor on game design/development.
Alexander Mitrovich
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain development
Al Jawhari
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
To ensure technology development best practice and governed project management to limit development risk.
Adrian Smith
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Governance advice on business execution
Anastasia Haysom Varpenius
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Game changer.
Ralf Gerteis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Strategic ICO Advisor (Commercial/ Business Development/ Key Cooperation Partners) - proud to be part of this exciting mission!
Bogdan Fiedur
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a technical adviser on the project.
Kimon Lycos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the founder and CEO for the project.
Pier Stamatogiannis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I hold a creative role within the project. I am excited by the idea of creating a transmedia game that gives people the opportunity to play online and offline and create new friendships around the world.
Aditi Mohan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a team member our vision for FHF has been to create a global community, playing the game to earn and use the game token, Forever Coin, both online and offline. The game will be immersive, with online and offline worlds and experiences to explore, using a host of different media types. We have created a new uncontested market, to generate a new gaming experience but also a new storytelling experience. This is for lovers of games, thrillers and high-speed action.

We have created vital components such as: a blockbuster story, characters, chapters, game play, technical requirements for game play, game economy, game tokens, online assets such as ‘fake websites’ to interact with, character social media accounts. Currently we have the game framework and structure, with what the technical underpinnings will be. Purpose of the token sale is to gain more funding to complete and develop the right platforms, production values and marketing for launch.
Michael Ziersch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi, I'm head of Development and deeply involved in the planning and execution of the project as a whole.
Emma Hackett
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm very excited about this project and very proud of the hard work our team members have put into it. I strongly believe that this will be very successful!
Samah Elgohary
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Marketing

Forever Has Fallen Последние Новости

5.0 19
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Forever Has Fallen Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a worldwide transmedia game featuring an online/offline economy that utilizes platform tokens. It boasts of a business model that generates multiple sources of revenue which includes FIAT currencies. The integration of blockchain technologies into the system adds value to both the gameplay and gamers. Additionally, the strategic use of the game token supply allows funding to complete the game besides providing support for the platform token long into the future.


  • The platform is easy to understand. It is a thrilling story propagated through several platforms and hence ensures total player immersion.
  • Both the platform’s scalable business model and a concept that leverages three huge global market opportunities means Forever Token has a new uncontested space. It has a total available market of 293 million people.
  • The fact Forever Tokens is compatible with Fiat currency means new users have an easy time joining the community and contributing to its adoption and expansion.
  • It will retain 45 percent of revenue for stability support, a figure that will be adequate for long-term growth and stability.
  • Being game-based it is less risk. It also enjoys the partnership of a large number of diverse entities including 42 Entertainment, Mighty Kingdom, Innodev among many more.
  • There are minimal technology risks since there are no complex technologies involved. The essence of the platform lies in the innovative model.
  • The Team; besides the team members having proven and verifiable expertise necessary to make the platform a global smash-hit, they have an unmatched blockchain technical skills.


  • The whitepaper is somewhat shallow and does not deliberate adequately on important aspects like the future prospects of the platform.
  • Few team members; a large number of team members bring diversity and enrich a system in varied ways. It is also crucial when helping a platform avoid common pitfalls.
  • Forever Coin Tokens will face a lot of security risks such as the danger of loss of private keys, lack of token security and danger of incompatible wallet service.


  • There is an urgent need to relook into the whitepaper. A reader (potential investor) should have all his/her worries dispelled after reading it. Issues to do with a system's prospect are important and should be given enough coverage.
  • The platform should recruit more team members drawn from different fields within the gaming and digital currency field. More than ten team members will suffice.
  • Team members and advisors should deliberate on ways to eliminate security risks for greater investor confidence. Listing the risks at the tail end of the whitepaper without providing solutions is ill-advised.

NOTE: There are far too many risks, both to the user and the investor. While any investment risky, when the risks are very many, investor confidence is reduced substantially. Consequently, I will not invest in this otherwise great idea.

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Differentiation: A video-game that incorporates cryptocurrency into the game storyline and game economy.

Readiness: There is audited smart-contract code for the token and token sale. There is no code published for The Forever Has Fallen game itself which will be built after the ICO.

Market Penetration Potential: Penetrating the video game market should be of average difficulty, given the hype around cryptocurrency to propel it. The greater challenge would be retaining users and encouraging continued growth well after the hype and novelity of a new video game platform that uses cryptocurrency wears off.

Solution Advantage: If the project can achieve its vision there is a distinct advantage in speed, transparency, and security to currently available legacy in-game currency video games.

Long-Term Vision: The long term goals of the project are to develop an ecosystem of gamers on the Forever Has Fallen game, and to eventually incorporate on-demand streaming services.


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