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Emotiq ICO - это мощная и распределенная цепочка блоков с консенсусом Proof-of-Stake (PoS) и умным контрактом на естественном языке. Emotiq - это распределенная бухгалтерская книга, разработанная исследователями из Швейцарской Политехнической Школы Лозанны (EPFL), которая обеспечивает горизонтальную масштабируемость и пропускную способность уровней VISA® и Mastercard® при тысячах транзакций в секунду. Он построен на OmniLedger.
Private Sale
апр., 2018
сент., 2018
100% завершено
$11 800 000
100% цель завершено
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О проекте Emotiq

Emotiq - это мощный децентрализованный блокчейн с консенсусом Proof-of-Stake (PoS) и умными контрактами на естественном языке. Emotiq построен на OmniLedger & ndash; распределенная бухгалтерская книга, разработанная исследователями из швейцарской Политехнической университетской лилии (EPFL), которая обеспечивает горизонтальную масштабируемость и VISA & reg; и пропускная способность Mastercard & reg; на уровне тысяч транзакций в секунду. Блокчейн Emotiq разработан для масштабирования, приватности и естественности; первый - через горизонтальное масштабирование или шардинг OmniLedger; вторая с неинтерактивными доказательствами с нулевым разглашением, обеспечивающими конфиденциальность транзакций; и третий с Кольцом & ndash; Простой английский язык умных контрактов Emotiq, позволяющий непрограммистам создавать умные контракты, которые легко продумать и понять.

Emotiq Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$11 800 000

Joel Reymont
The Buck Stops With Me!


$11 800 000

Vladimir Lebedev
VP of Engineering
David Mcclain, Phd
Chief Rocket Scientist
Shannon Spires
Agent Hacker
Paul Tarvydas
Electronics and Microprocessor Guru
Mark David
Senior Software Architect
Mark Evenson
Senior Software Architect
Kieran Costello
Chief Wordsmith
Emma Cooper
Global Community Manager
Anna Movchaniuk
PR Maven
Wen Qiang
China Community Manager

Emotiq Последние Новости

5.0 4
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Emotiq Обзоры

ICO review website

The most successful ICOs in this field were launched back in 2016 i.e. have early mover advantages. 
Testnet is not available yet. The motivation for the customers to issue tokens on Emotiq platform and not somewhere else is unclear. The development of a proprietary programming language - Ring - may not be adopted by communities.

Now there is not enough information available on the business model of the platform. Token economics is not given in a detailed manner.

Post-ICO valuation will be equal to $120M which seems extremely expensive. There is no information on the use of proceeds.

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ICO Drops
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Crypto Briefing

A cursory look at the Emotiq ICO reveals one of the most head-turning teams in the space, and along with it, a project that’s both novel and ambitious. Yet the the gulf between the vision and reality quickly becomes apparent upon further examination, not simply from an abstracted, conceptual standpoint, but from a close-up look at the fundamentals.
We’re going to pass on the Emotiq ICO.

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Ian Balina

01-July: For now, Emotiq is not really something I'm gonna be looking into. Link
13-July: I looked into Emotiq that was a pass, that was a wait for the rebound. Link

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Market Competitive environment:
The project is aiming to operate on the highly competitive market.
There are many projects in the crypto industry, that are aiming to solve the same issues. Some of them in the active and productive development, and some already in the mainnet:
EOS (raised $ 4 bln in ICO, market cap $ 7 bln, ROI USD 8,01x);
Tron (raised $ 70 mln in ICO, market cap $ 2,5 bln, ROI USD 21,17x);
Zilliqa (raised $ 22 mln in ICO, market cap $ 500 mln, ROI USD 17,43x).
At the same Emotiq has no advantages over its competitors. PoS has many disadvantages against DPoS in EOS. TPS speed of mentioned blockchains (for example, Tron) will be much higher than target speed of Emotiq’s blockchain (5 000 TPS). But if statement about 1M TPS is true – It can compete with EOS and Solana for example.

The project advantages:
Advantages of the product on its competitors only in following:
Possibility to exchange child tokens for EMTQ tokens through the built-in decentralized exchange;
Possibility to exchange EMTQ with BTC and ETH via cross-chain atomic swaps;
Integration of the UTXO for scaling solutions;
Use of the Oracles for smart contacts to perform actions on the blockchain triggered by external environment (weather, etc).

The project popularity in the social networks and discussion forums
Telegram: 10,9k members, user activity is medium.
Twitter: 1,2k followers, average number of likes per post is 10, average number of retweets per post is 5.
Reddit: 201 follower, user activity is low.
The project is not shilled by any influencer.
Admins on the Telegram-channel are responding fast, but act immature and many of their statements (as well as a pinned message) are not corresponding to the whitepaper information. This is misleading.

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