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Последнее обновление

29 мар. 2018 г.

ECOS - это проект по разработке децентрализованного программного обеспечения для контроля и контроля качества в пищевой промышленности, охватывающий всю сферу пищевых продуктов и напитков, в том числе алкогольные. Система направлена ​​на борьбу с незаконным оборотом и опасными для жизни продуктами на основе на публичной блок-цепочке с распределенной базой данных.
15 сент. 2018 г.
15 нояб. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$23 767 334
100% цель завершено
2 апр. 2018 г.
31 мая 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Цель 7 700 000.00 USD
  • 1 ECOS
    0.1 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Общее предложение
Распределение токенов
10% - Pre-ICO
50% - Main ICO
25% - Bonuses
10% - Bounty campaign
5% - Special support
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированное название компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
Компания основана
Aug 10, 2017
Бонусная структура
Bonus awarding during the trade in tokens in a course of pre-ICO.
15.02–18.02.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 25% as a bonus.
19.02–22.02.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 20% as a bonus.
23.02–28.02.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 15% as a bonus.
1.03–7.03.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 10% as a bonus.
8.03–11.03.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 5% as a bonus.
12.03–15.03.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 0% as a bonus.
Bonus awarding during the trade in tokens in a course of main ICO.
15.05–18.05.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 25% as a bonus.
19.05–22.05.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 20% as a bonus.
23.05–28.05.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 15% as a bonus.
29.05–31.05.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 10% as a bonus.
1.06–11.06.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 5% as a bonus.
12.06–15.06.2018: all persons to buy tokens will get 0% as a bonus.
дополнительные детали
да ,
Платформа, Здоровье, Розничная торговля

О проекте ECOS

Основная задача проекта ЭКОС - борьба с глобальными проблемы & nbsp; продажи некачественных, опасных, поддельных и незаконные продукты, их сбыт и распределение в мире промышленность пищевых продуктов и напитков, особенно & nbsp; алкогольная потому что сегодня они очень подвержены фальсификации.

Плохие и опасные пищевые продукты и напитки всегда были восприняты людьми как серьезная проблема. На сегодняшний день, истекшие и поддельные продукты питания являются причиной появления различные интоксиканты и болезни, что особенно важно для детей грудного и раннего возраста, пожилых и больных людей. безопасность пищевых продуктов и напитков (включая алкогольные) является одной из самых острых проблем на планете, потому что она относится не только к национальному здоровью, но также мешает глобальной экономики в целом. Качество пищевых продуктов и напитки влияют на уровень жизни людей, их социальный деятельность и демографический аспект - рождаемость и увеличение в & NBSP; население. Поэтому, чтобы обеспечить высокий и стандарт, государства должны дать конкретную акцент на безопасность пищевых продуктов.


Основная задача проекта ECOS - борьба с глобальной проблемой продажи некачественных, опасных, контрафактных и нелегальных продуктов, их продажи и распространения в мировой индустрии продуктов питания и напитков, особенно алкогольных, поскольку они являются очень подвержен фальсификации сегодня.

Техническая информация

eToken - это & ​​ldquo; умный & rdquo; Контракт Ethereum соответствует стандарту Ethereum ERC20 и написан с использованием языка программирования Solidity.

ECOS Roadmap

  • 2017 - September, October, November

  • Gaining positive experience in general and rst positive feedback from test users within the frames of alpha-testing of the demo version of the product ECOS carried out in order to check the quality of products being sold using mobile devices and tablet PCs. Moreover, we performed additional assessment of possible similar projects and potential competitors (no worthy similar projects and competitors were found in the market).
  • 2017 - December and 2018 - January

  • Further development of storage for data collection and processing, structuring of the website and investor’s personal account, undergoing a legal expertise for this project and detailed preparation for the conduct of the coming pre-ICO and main ICO.
  • 2018 - 2 April

  • Launch pre-ICO.
  • 2018 - June

  • Preparation of the campaign for the purpose marketing before the main ICO.
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2018 - September

  • Launch main ICO.
  • 2018 – October

  • Preparation and formation of technical documents necessary to hold an international tender for the development of a fully-functional planned software ECOS (entry to the international tender is conditioned by the receipt of the best product for the planned period of time, which will ensure a good quality-to-price ratio for the product
  • 2018 - November

  • Preparation and formation of technical documents necessary to hold an international tender for the development of a fully-functional planned software ECOS (entry to the international tender is conditioned by the receipt of the best product for the planned period of time, which will ensure a good quality-to-price ratio for the product
  • 2018 - December

  • Assessment of the tender held, selection of a general contracting company and execution of a contract, it is possible to make a contract for the performance of works in consortium with several leading world corporations on software development and public blockchain integration.
  • 2019 - January

  • Initial design and further development with programming of the ECOS software by the general contracting companies.
  • 2019 - February

  • Carrying out expert examination within the frames of the ECOS software developed by the contractors.
  • 2019 - March

  • On the part of contractors (hired companies having won the tender) - elimination of possible drawbacks and deciencies in the system ECOS found during a three-stage consecutive expert examination.
  • 2019 - April

  • Testing of the product obtained, launching of the marketing campaign on the manufacture of this product and client base formation.
  • 2019 - June

  • Final improvements and nal systematization on the product enhancement before its mass production.
  • 2020

  • Mass implementation and promotion of the product all over the world.

ECOS материалы

ECOS Команда

Проверено 100%

Nadia Konyagina
Senior Content Manager
Aleksei Zeleznyak
CEO & Founder
Nataly Zeleznyak
Egor Sporykhin
CWO Bis.Part.


$25 023 650

Denis Orlov
Sales & Support


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Luis Palicio


$2 888 832

Andrei Zolin
Vladimir Gurevits
Gloria Hanna
Olga Glazman
Vahur Kivistik
Anni Säär

Бывшие сотрудники

Iraida Drobinina
Business Partner

ECOS Интервью

Nadia Konyagina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am content manager, I think that Ecos is very perspective project.
Kind regards,
Aleksei Zeleznyak
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Aleksei Zeleznjak is a serial entrepreneur, founder of the project ECOS & GRAND HOLDING OÜ business development, holder of a diploma of higher technical education, 7-year experience of work in the cryptocurrency business and blockchain developments, has been actively participating in the assessment, assistance and consulting during the conduct of technical expert examinations in the sphere of blockchain projects for the last 2 years. 2008-2015: worked as an official in the Jõhvi City Department (city of Jõhvi, Estonia, European Union).
Nataly Zeleznyak
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Business Analytics at ECOS project & GRAND HOLDING OÜ
- Investment processing
- Fund processing
- Investment management
Egor Sporykhin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I work with ECOS project as CWO. Young Team with great ideas and far-sight vision.
Denis Orlov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Doing project and community management in ECOS, the idea of the project has great potential and meant to solve critical problems of the food supply chain.

ECOS Последние Новости

5.0 2
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

ECOS Обзоры

The idea behind this project is a solid one. It will be rather difficult to implement, though, without extensive network of global partners. Relationships with governmental organizations should also be established. This could take time and additional resources/funding.

Strengths: signed partnerships. The project targets the market with numerous problems that need urgent solutions; the potential for disruption is high, according to analysts from Expert-Coin Rating.

Weaknesses: team members profiles should be added to the WP. There are no business and financial plans, marketing strategy and competitor analysis. The level of English in the WP should be improved. There are no financial, cryptocurrency and ICO specialists in the team.

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Counterfeit, fake, and illegal food products and drinks are dangerous for the health and well-being of millions of consumers around the world. Consumption of these food products and drinks can cause a lot of health-related issues, especially in young children and infants. This project will give a particular emphasis to food safety and quality control in order to ensure high and long-lasting living standards of millions of consumers around the world. Public blockchain technology is used for development of this project.

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Is the ECOS system the best investment that you can make right now? We are not necessarily sure if it is the better, but it can certainly be a great one if you plan to use the platform. You will be able to access the premium features of ECOS paying a lot less if you decide to buy the tokens right now.

In case you are only in it for the profit, there are better options than this company, but it is still a pretty viable option for you, which is great. In the end, you have to weight whether you want to invest in this company or if you think that you should look somewhere else.

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  • Поскольку могут существовать временные различия в обновлениях информации, точная информация о каждом проекте ICO должна проверяться через его официальный веб-сайт или другие каналы связи.
  • Эта информация не является предложением или советом по инвестированию в финансирование ICO. Пожалуйста, тщательно изучите соответствующую информацию самостоятельно и примите решение об участии в ICO.
  • Если вы считаете, что существуют проблемы или проблемы, которые необходимо исправить в этом контенте, или если вы хотите представить свой собственный проект ICO для включения в список, напишите нам.
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