Carat Assets Coin

Carat Assets Coin

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Монета Carat Assets (CTAC) предполагает покупку алмазных активов, включая бесцветные алмазы, в наилучших пропорциях

четкость, в том числе качество огранки, и это будут бриллианты, прежде всего, круглой блестящей огранки. Предположение об этих инвестициях

также покупка цветных бриллиантов - желтых, синих и розовых бриллиантов исключительных пропорций, исключительного качества или цвета огранки

насыщение. Эти бриллианты будут иметь круглую бриллиантовую огранку, а также различные другие причудливые огранки. Наша ICO отличается от других тем, что капитал и прибыль для инвесторов - владельцев токенов - гарантированы совместным владением

алмазных активов.
дек., 2018
март, 2019
100% завершено
$39 609 000
55% cap завершено
Cap 71 250 000.00 USD
дополнительные детали
Платформа, Blockchain

О проекте Carat Assets Coin

Carat Assets Coin assumes the purchase of diamond assets, including colorless diamonds, of the best possible proportions of clarity, including quality of the cut, and these will be diamonds above all of round brilliant cut. The assumption of this investment is also the purchase of colored diamonds - yellow, blue and pink diamonds of exceptional proportions, exceptional cut quality or color saturation. These diamonds will have a round brilliant cut, but also various other fancy cuts.

Colorless diamonds will have sizes ranging from 3,00 to 3,99 carats, from 4,00 to 4,99 carats and from 5,00 to 5,99 carats. These diamonds are very much sought after by the most distinguished jewelry manufactures to create exceptionally luxurious jewelry dedicated to the wealthiest customers. Colorless diamonds with such parameters are often the basis for the manufacture of this jewelry, but they also complement the unique color diamonds, which are used to make even more exclusive jewelry, so as to satisfy the tastes of the wealthiest customers.

In connection with the above, Carat Assets Coin also assumes the purchase of color diamonds of exceptional proportions, exceptional cut quality and color saturation. These diamonds will have a round brilliant cut, but also various other fancy cuts that sometimes further enhance the beauty of colored diamonds. These will be primarily diamonds in the size from 1,00 to 1,99 carats, from 2,00 to 2,99 carats and from 3,00 to 3,99 carats. These diamonds will have the colors most sought after in the making of jewelry - yellow, blue, pink - and will have a very intense color saturation - Fancy, Fancy Intence, Fancy Vivid.

For all of these diamonds we have collected for You a set of statistical data about increases in their value, which we present in separate materials.

The sale of these assets will be made directly to the most renowned jewelry houses in the form of a direct offer. These jewelry houses are located primarily in New York, London, Paris and Geneva and in several other Swiss locations, where the manufactories of several very exclusive brands are concentrated, producing jewelry aimed at the wealthiest customers.

Additionally, as part of the sales diversification, after storing these assets in the designated investment period, they will be sold in the form of an internal auction organized for interested parties, which may not only be companies from the jewelry sector, but also other entities such as Investment Funds, Asset & Wealth Management companies, Family Office companies and private investors.


Carat Assets Coin Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Msc Inez Levy
Founder & CEO
Eng. Karol Zieliński
ICO/STO Advisоr IT & Blockchain Specialist
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