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BETR is revolutionising the world of sports betting. The release of the BETR token has created a betting cryptocurrency that will establish truly decentralised sports betting. The BETR token provides financial security with true peer-to-peer betting by eliminating the middle man and using blockchain technology. The software is safe and transactions are provably fair, secure and robust.
To be announced
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О проекте BETR

BETR is a utility token for a specific market: sports betting. The price of the token is determined by the size of the market and the number of tokens out there. The market cap of sports betting worldwide is roughly between $50-100 billion and the BETR token supply is capped. The only question left is what percentage of the market the BETR token is able to penetrate – and that’s what the BetterBetting Node (BBN) will facilitate. The BBN is currently under development and the first usage of this platform will be to facilitate the placing of peer-to-peer bets on the football World Cup. By providing a robust escrow and settlement service between 2 parties who do not know one another and have no common operator the system provides access to betting opportunities that did not previously exist. A transaction does not have to comprise a bet – the same system can be used for any activity where funds are escrowed prior to a result and then settled to the winner (e.g. A game of poker) although BETR will initially focus on betting.


BETR Команда

Проверено 14%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$23 648 220

Adriaan Brink
Founder & CEO
Stephen Gray
Chief Technical Officer
Ed Philpott
Blockchain Developer
George Guliman
Sportsbook Developer
Oliver Lillepruun
Product Manager
Lindsey Lewis
Marketing Manager
Anton Dolmat
Web Developer


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$18 261 930

Eric Benz
Managing Director: Cryptopay


$5 500 000

Michael Caselli
Founder: iGaming Business
Arbin Godar
Security Consultant


$5 500 000

David Vanrenen
Founder: BetterBetting
Simon Collins
Founder: Gaming Realms Plc

BETR Интервью

Adriaan Brink
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
CEO and Founder. Looking for applications where crypto genuinely adds value to an application I was excited to put BETR in place. Peer-to-peer betting with no intermediary
What do you think about idea?
Not surprisingly I love it! It has been hampered recently by Ethereum gas prices but we will get over these roadblocks

BETR Последние Новости

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