

Created using Figma

Последнее обновление

13 мар. 2018 г.

ADSIGMA является рекламной платформой с цифровым дисплеем, которая использует технологию цепочки блоков, чтобы революционизировать цифровое рекламное пространство, в котором в настоящее время доминирует рекламная сеть.
Crowd Sale
To be announced
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Распределение токенов
● Token Sale 60.00%
● AdSigma Founders 10.00%
● Legal Compliance 1.00%
● Advisory Board 4.00%
● Network Growth 22.00%
● Community Grants 3.00%
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
Бонусная структура
Pre-Sale: 25%
дополнительные детали
Платформа, СМИ, интернет

О проекте AdSigma

AdSigma маневрирует технологией блокчейна для создания рекламной платформы для цифровых дисплеев следующего поколения. Наша цель - революционизировать рекламу на цифровом дисплее, увеличивая прозрачность и принося пользу достойным издателям.

Мы стремимся разрушить существующее цифровое рекламное пространство и решить серьезные проблемы, с которыми оно сталкивается, такие как необоснованные комиссионные, отсутствие возможностей для ведения переговоров и нехватка выбора для издателей и рекламодателей. В отрасли, где доходы рекламных сетей превышают 220 миллиардов долларов, мы осознаем необходимость предоставления альтернативной платформы, которая работает на рекламодателей и издателей с платой ZERO.

Все владельцы токенов ADSi должны получить качественное обслуживание и воспользоваться преимуществами хранения нашего токена. Мы твердо верим в идею и верим в наше видение. С нашими членами команды, работающими в различных областях, таких как финансы, разработка программного обеспечения, цифровая реклама и блокчейн / криптография, мы достигли конкурентной позиции на рынке, и мы уже находимся на пути превращения нашего видения в реальность.

AdSigma Roadmap

  • Q4 2017

  • Concept Development of Adsigma.
  • Q1 and Q2 2018

  • Release of AdSigma White paper. Launch of AdSigma Token Pre-Sale and Crowd-Sale.
  • Q3 2018

  • Releasing the protocol for relayers to build Real time Bidding Exchange.
    Deploying the settlement smart contract for AdSigma advertiser publisher network.
  • Q4 2018

  • Alpha launch - Testing the prototype, pilot installation of Adsigma SDK.
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  • Q1 2019

  • Beta launch - Advertisers will be able to setup ad campaigns and publishers will be able to monetize their apps/websites.
  • Q2 2019

  • Engaging in close collaboration with major media publications and advertisers. Agreement signing.

AdSigma Команда

Проверено 100%

Suumit Shah
Project Development, Operations, Co-founder
Kapil Bhosale
Blockchain & Cloud Engineering, Co-founder
Akshay Mohite
Blockchain & Web Development, Co-founder
Ravi Tamda
Android Developer & Big Data Engineering, Co-found...
Subhash Choudhary
Ashutosh Bhatt
Community Manager
Vivek Sancheti
Strategic Investor Relations​


Проверено 67%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

20 ICOs

$70 020 241

Nathan Christian

29 ICOs

$44 601 172

Amarpreet Singh

39 ICOs

$192 510 758

Nikolay Shkilev

Бывшие сотрудники

45 ICOs

$277 112 426

Vladimir Nikitin

AdSigma Интервью

Vladimir Nikitin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Very big project
Amarpreet Singh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm strategic advisor for the project. I love the idea and see a lot of potential in this one.
Nikolay Shkilev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It's very good idea and need everybody in our life
Suumit Shah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
AdSigma is the next generation Digital Display Advertising platform that is carefully driving blockchain technology to revolutionize the digital advertising space. Our primary goal is to increase transparency in a way that can benefit both publishers and advertisers alike.
Kapil Bhosale
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for implementing tech side details of the AdSigma.
If you as what do I think about the idea, it is one of the most exciting thing I think I am working since my career. This idea will revolutionize the add networking industry.
Akshay Mohite
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain & Web Development, Co-founder at AdSigma
Ravi Tamda
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am glad to be a member of AdSigma
Subhash Choudhary
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
At AdSigma, I oversee marketing operations to ensure the company’s marketing efforts are successful.

With over 7 years long experience in Digital Advertising both as a publisher & Advertiser, I believe AdSigma can significantly increase the transparency in a way that can benefit both publishers and advertisers alike.

Excited to be part of it.
Ashutosh Bhatt
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The Blockchain technology ensures that one entity alone can’t control the platform. This decentralized system prevents the possibility of data manipulation and ensures that nobody can interfere with transactions or give preferences or privileges to one advertiser or publisher over another.
Vivek Sancheti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
One of the unique concept I would be ever part of.

AdSigma Последние Новости

5.0 20
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

AdSigma Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

ADSIGMA is digital display advertising platform that uses block chain technology to revolutionize the digital advertising space dominated currently by the advertising network.


  • Trust: The platform is based on Ethereum smart contracts which guarantees secure transactions based on the parameters set by the participants themselves courtesy of trust between them
  • The use of the Adsigma platform ensures that the users data cannot be manipulated as the technology in which is it based prevents one entity from controlling the platform
  • The platform doesn’t permit anybody to give preference to one advertiser or publisher over the others as the network  is verified and maintained by each participants hence promoting all advertisers
  • Easy payments : The platform is fully responsible for all the payments collection from advertisers  and even in case of default the publishers are entitled to payment from the ad network
  • The platform verifies all the content and ensures that right advertisements are displayed at the right place to the right person hence eliminating misleading advertisements
  • The platform use promotes extensive involvement of many  clients as it able to reach extensive potential customers as compared to the publishers themselves
  • Transparency: The ad network enables all the transaction to be transparently conducted based on a transparent history
  • The platform eliminates the need of  middlemen hence enabling the publishers to get the best out of advertisements without any pay with easy communication between the advertiser and the publishers


  • The ADSI token  holders have no rights to access the assets, profits ,dividends or manage the company
  • The token value is vulnerable to price fluctuations due to the market development and uncontrolled regulations


  • The token holders should be given more incentives
  • The  project should be fully implemented to avoid any mismatch of the expectations
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Ian Scarffe
Blockchain ICO Consultant / Advisor. Founder at Crypto Consulting and Investments LTD.

This is a good idea, although it will have to be execured perfectly as it is obviously a very competitive market. They have the right team in place though, with good advisors as well

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