Ultraverse City

Ultraverse City

Created using Figma
Ultraverse City is a decentralized community-driven platform, visual art, and business project atmosphere on the BSC blockchain where creators and designers can create and commercialize their NFTs and art experiences and do many other businesses.
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Over Ultraverse City

The Ultraverse City is a collective virtual open city generated by the convergence of virtually enriched physical and digital reality. It is physically determined and provides enhanced immersive experiences.

Activities that take place in remote environments (buying digital land and constructing virtual homes, participating in a virtual social experience, etc.) will eventually take place in the Ultraverse City.

Ultraverse City consists of multiple zones. Lands in each zone have been priced based on the distance from the central business towers or the most attractive landmarks.

The first nine closest zones to the master tower could be obtained only through private sales from 1st to 14th July 2022. During this private sale, zone 6,7, 8, and 9 will be sold in the form of ”Mystery Box”. The private sale will be obtainable through whitelisting perception.


The Ultraverse City is here; it’s authentic, and more than your imagination, it will become an advanced part of your life. What exactly is the pleasure about the Ultraverse City, and how can you participate in the future? There are loads to unpack, so let’s see the main defining features.

Fully Decentralized
The Ultraverse City will not be owned or controlled by any establishments or a single platform. Meaning all members can take ownership over their secluded data. Powered by Blockchain technology, all transactions within Ultraverse City are public, easily tracked, and protected.

On Access
A virtual 3D universe accessible to everyone, the Ultraverse City is a world without any restrictions where there are no limits to how many individuals can use it at the same time, what types of actions can take place, or what businesses can enter it.

Virtual Assets
Everyone in the Ultraverse City has access to decentralized virtual assets powered by cryptocurrencies. ONCS will be one of the utility tokens there. Through ONCS, you could build your business and exchange your digital assets like avatars, virtual clothing, NFTs, and even event tickets on marketplaces.

VR/AR Experiences
Members can access Ultraverse City via VR headset, AR glasses, or just a Chrome browser through a simple laptop and experience a new level of engagement and interaction.

Real Estate Opportunity
In Ultraverse City virtual land mechanism is just like real estate in real life. Once you buy a land or digital property, you can rent it out or resell it.

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