Laatste update
29 apr 2024
Manorland is truly a community-driven project. The main goal of our project is to support the crypto and Manorland community and to assist in the growth and development of the market over the next few years. We have created a platform that is perfect for newcomers, allowing them to get started quickly, learn more about the market, and easily navigate our ecosystem.
We are highly focused on the community. A great example of this is our decision to base Manor Land on existing protocols, ensuring that if Manor Land grows and succeeds, the entire ecosystem will as well.
Investors are guided by the community and income comes with community-driven governance. This is a crucial factor for our future development, as it means that every investor has a say in how the ecosystem will continue to evolve and the direction it will take in the future.
We ensure that the voices of our investors are always heard. Therefore, we have created the Bug Report feature, which provides a great way for users to provide feedback to us.
Own Your Land and Earn Owning your real estate and providing an impressive experience without additional incentives aligns with our philosophy of creating a profit protocol. In other words, our users are not only here to earn in the metaverse; our primary focus is to create an exceptional user experience and then develop a robust, balanced, and sustainable economy.
Manor Land operates on an internal economy supported by $MNO and NFTs. Both $MNO and NFTs are backed on the BSC chain, with plans for integration into the most reputable L1s and L2s. Your MNO-1 NFTs, such as the Crane Rod, Bulldozer, and Excavator, serve as keys to unlock the investment and earning feature within the relevant sections of the Metaverse.
Since each MNO-1 NFT corresponds to a specific metaverse within Manor Land, only one affordably priced NFT is required to provide fair and accessible entry for Manor Landers.
The investment feature is currently in the beta stage and will continue to be developed to balance user experience and the economy.
Renting out your NFTs is an enticing feature for those who own multiple NFTs and seek passive income opportunities. Conversely, individuals who may not have the financial means to purchase an MNO-1 NFT can rent one and access the immersive metaverse experience in Manor Land.
Boosting will be a feature allowing you to pay a fee in $MNO to bypass the energy/upgrade cooldown and swiftly resume earning with your favorite NFTs. And did we mention? Eventually, you'll be able to segregate your NFT attributes and create super-NFTs! It's never too late to amass your preferred NFT attributes; soon, you'll be able to divide, mix, match, and trade NFT attributes within our native marketplace.
Crafting will unveil a broad spectrum of opportunities. MNO-1 NFT holders will have the ability to craft unlimited MNO-1 NFTs within designated NFT crafting facilities.
Q1 - 2024
Q2 - 2024
Q3 - 2024
Q4 - 2024
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Neem contact op met als u zich zorgen maakt over de aard, de correctheid of de wettigheid van deze token-uitverkoop of de betrokken personen. met gedetailleerde informatie over uw zorgen. P> Div>