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In a world of volatility, the Temple of long term wealth creation is where disciples come to stake, sleep easy, and chill.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
    TEMPLE/FRAX % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.6856
    $ 42.146 K
  • Uniswap (v3)
    TEMPLE/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 1.74
    $ 3.75
To be announced
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MVP / Prototype

Over TempleDAO

In a world of volatility and instant gratification, the Temple of long-term wealth creation is where Templars come to stake, sleep easy, and chill. TempleDAO aims to offer DeFi users steady-growing, low-volatility assets, and help DAOs re-imagine their products with gamified ‘metaverse’ experiences.

Pillars of the Temple

TempleDAO is innovating on three fronts, or pillars, as we sometimes call them:

  • DeFi: Offering DeFi users a safe place to park their assets, spared from both volatility and fiat-inflation.
  • Metaverse: Offering DAOs and other projects tools and services to help gamify elements of their products, boosting community engagement.
  • DAO Structure: Developing a DAO structure that optimizes for productivity, talent-discovery, and talent-retention.

Who is behind TempleDAO

TempleDAO was founded by a few anonymous characters spread across the globe and has evolved into a team of over 70 contributors.


TempleDAO is designed on strong principles: building the Temple for the long-term, community first and fairly in all aspects, and prioritising stable wealth creation. Our innovative mechanics including safe minting, intrinsic value backed rewards, safe harvest, price defence incentives, and exit queue can be explored in our Medium posts.

We reward those who help the Temple: no special deals for outsiders. The protocol is designed to reward the community, and those who give most to the Temple. Participate in RITUALS to earn incense and access special offers. The first step is joining Discord and completing the !verify ritual. Good luck.

The Templar’s end goal is ASCENSION: when the intrinsic value of your tokens is more than your purchase price, you have ascended. No price risk, your tokens have multiplied, you are a God. The Temple is designed for stable, long-term wealth creation, where the intrinsic value of your holdings increases steadily and only goes up.

TempleDAO Laatste nieuws

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