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Ultra-fast payments between Crypto and Banks. Use #Bitcoin to transfer money and pay bills. Boost your business by accepting crypto. The Ultra-Fast Crypto-Bank Payments Solution. Pay invoices in crypto, whether in EUR or GBP. Instantly convert crypto to fiat on your bank account. Accept crypto as a business and get EUR or GBP on your bank account.
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Over Swapin

Swapin innovations are a bridge between digital assets and the traditional banking system, making using cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions simple and convenient. Swapin crypto-to-fiat solutions offer instant conversion of crypto into euros, which are immediately transferred to a connected IBAN account. Swapin services are legal and compliant with European financial service standards, and allow both businesses and individuals to make transfers, recurring payments, ecommerce payments, invoicing, payroll, and much more.

Swapin (formerly Piixpay) was founded in 2017, when we spotted the potential for crypto to improve the global payments industry, making transactions faster, safer, and cheaper.

Our company offers a powerful, yet easy-to-use platform that helps individuals and businesses accept and spend crypto in a smarter way.

Since 2017, we have been on a mission to bridge the gap between crypto and traditional finance. We have built a next-generation payment technology that transforms how businesses and people send, receive, and store money around the world.

One of our primary goals is to ensure that we are operating within a regulated environment and ahead of the curve when it comes to following the best practices. Swapin is a regulated European digital currency services provider that is heavily focused on offering secure, and legally compliant solutions for the modern payment industry.

Swapin Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Evald-Hannes Kree
CEO, Founder
Joonas Honga
Edward Rebane
Julia Tarmisto
AML & Legal
Märt Varatu
Head of Sys.Op.

Swapin Laatste nieuws

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