Start Waves

Start Waves

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Investeer om de toekomst te veranderen!
4 nov. 2018
4 dec. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
3 sep. 2018
3 nov. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Private Pre-Sale
2 aug. 2018
2 sep. 2018
100% voltooid
$10 000
100% doel voltooid
  • 1 SWC
    0.01 USD
Details token
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aanvullende details

Over Start Waves

Start Waves is een platform voor crowd-impact van investeerders dat is ontworpen om de groei van startende bedrijven te versnellen met een winstgevend bedrijfsmodel dat sociale of milieu-impact genereert.


Start Waves werkt online met Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) van de secretaris-generaal van de VN en vertegenwoordigt een visie op dringende klimaatactie.

Deze 17 doelen bouwen voort op de successen van de Millennium-ontwikkelingsdoelen , terwijl ze nieuwe gebieden omvatten zoals klimaatverandering, economische ongelijkheid, innovatie, duurzame consumptie, vrede en gerechtigheid, naast andere prioriteiten. De doelen zijn onderling verbonden & ndash; vaak is de sleutel tot succes op de een het aanpakken van problemen die vaker samenhangen met een andere.

Technische informatie

Het Start Waves-platform wordt begin 2019 gelanceerd als een geavanceerd blockchain-gebaseerd Investment Crowdfunding-platform dat de functionaliteit van cryptocurrencies gebruikt om investeringskapitaal aan te trekken voor Startup's met innovatieve ideeën die wereldwijd een positief effect hebben.

Start Waves wordt een platform Maatschappelijk Verantwoordelijk dat u helpt te investeren in Both Purpose & amp; Winst. & Nbsp; Achter het platform bevindt zich een team van de beste specialisten op het gebied van ondernemerschap op het gebied van investeringen, financiën, innovatie, marketing en commercie waarmee u uw geld kunt investeren in bedrijven die de grootste problemen in de wereld oplossen. < / p>

% naam% Roadmap

  • March 2018

  • Concept Development
  • April 2018

  • Website Launch
  • June 2018

  • Token Creation
  • August 2018

  • Private Pre-Sale
  • Lees verder
  • September 2018

  • Pre-Sale
  • December 2018

  • Crowdsale
  • January 2019

  • Platform Development

Start Waves Team

geverifieerd 100%

Ronald Ospino
Juan Gualdron
Willington Rosado
Roman Ospino
COO & Founder
Elkin Nocua
CTO & Founder

Start Waves Interviews

Ronald Ospino
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
In my role as Chief Operating Officer I have the responsibility to manage, control and coordinate in a restrictive manner the plans agreed by the executive management of Start Waves, fully complying with the CTO guidelines, in such a way that the traceability of the framed processes is consistently guaranteed. in the integral quality policy of the company.
What do you think about idea?
The development of ICT has promoted the evolution of technological platforms such as Blockchain, which help to deregulate different sectors of the world economy. This is how it is possible to disable the intermediary corporations in the company-client links and open a wide window of possibilities so that the initiatives and the continuous improvement of the business entities are not affected by the financial bodies that snatch their resources in exchange for investment. of capital.
At Start Waves we are passionate about serving the small and medium-sized entrepreneur whose objective is to develop technology and innovation aimed at executing sustainable projects that are friendly to the environment and that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the different societies of the world.
Juan Gualdron
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a director, I work on the creativity of the organization to improve performance and technological innovation and in this way allow the growth of the ideals of the team and the territories of the planet in which we develop our work.
On the other hand, we look for strategies so that young entrepreneurs and new projects are promoted in the search of the sustainable development in the planet.
What do you think about idea?
The Start Waves project is a strategy that promotes ideas to save the planet and make the environmental scenario competitive. Allow sustainable development strategies to be financed and generate wealth in a useful and clean way.

On the other hand, it seeks to finance innovative and competitive ideas to avoid the collapse of our planetary ecosystem.
Willington Rosado
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Providing leadership, direction and management of the finance and accounting team. Managing the processes for financial forecasting and budgets, and overseeing the preparation of all financial reporting. Advising on long-term business and financial planning.
What do you think about idea?
Start Waves Platform is designed to connect impact investors with companies that improve society and take care of the environment. We are very selective: the chosen companies must have a good business model, which guarantees a growth potential that allows profitability for people who wish to invest.
Roman Ospino
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder and Chief Operating Officer or COO of Start Waves, my role is structural, strategic, social and political, extraordinarily situacional, I am responsible for supervising the operations and continuous procedures of our organization, as well as leading the execution of the strategies developed by the top management team I complement the experience, the style, the base of the knowledge or the tendencies of the CEO and I am in charge of establishing and promoting policies that promote the culture and vision of the company.
What do you think about idea?
Blockchain has forever revolutionized the way we connect and interact with each other, but more importantly, it has forever changed the way we do business.
Taking advantage of the transparency and democracy offered by this tecnology combined with equity crowdfunding, Start Waves uses a gigantic global network to detec ventures that stand out for their great potential for sustainable growth.
Start Waves through a group of experts, uses a focus for the selection of companies or Startup´s, which guarantees a significant market opportunity and the possibility of becoming market oportunity on society and the evironment.
Elkin Nocua
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder and manager of developing the company's strategy for using technological resources, ensuring technologies are used, profitably and securely.

As described by Eric Ries, the author of The Lean Startup: "The CTO's primary job is to make sure the company's technology strategy is its business strategy," He said.
What do you think about idea?
Our entire future depends to a large extent on what we do now. Today more than ever it is critically important to understand and take responsibility for the consequences of our actions as global citizens.

Start Waves wants to unite entrepreneurs, investors and people from all over the world in a single platform to look for real solutions to the social and environmental challenges that we face today.Start Waves uses two disruptive ideas that have changed the world forever: crowdfunding and Blockchain.

Those who provide solutions to today’s problems will be the financial winners of tomorrow.

Our futures are interdependent. As investors, social entrepreneurs, and human beings, we have a moral imperative to take on the challenges facing our planet and our global population. Through impacting investing, we can be agents of social change – while also achieving (and very often exceeding) our individual goals as investors and entrepreneurs.

Start Waves Laatste nieuws

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  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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