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No native NFTs on Kusama? No problem! With RMRK, we hacked around silly things like protocol limitations and common sense!
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • KuCoin
    RMRK/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 9.13
    $ 4.363 M
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over RMRK.app

What is RMRK.app?

RMRK.app is a part of Kusama's broader NFT strategy and a way to abuse Kusama's system.remark extrinsic (?) to write custom notes onto the chain in a standardized and structured way. Basically, we graffiti the chain. These notes can represent NFTs, token sales, polls, collaborative drawing programs, even chat applications (yes, really!).

The $RMRK token

$RMRK is a governance, staking, and collateral token launched on the Statemint chain. It will be fairdropped to all current and future Kanaria egg holders but can also be purchased as part of our seed round until May 31st. Here's our deck.



Each NFT is part of a collection (think of collections like photo albums or "contexts" that combine NFT's into one whole). Each collection and each member NFT have some defined fields and metadata that can enrich their look, feel, and uniqueness.

The first official NFT collection is Kanaria, Kusama's Canaries, a limited set of NFTs represented as eggs from which different canaries will hatch after a certain block, depending on randomness from the blockchain itself and some outside influence in the form of emotes (reactions) to the NFTs.

The RMRK team can help you launch your NFT project for a flat fee, or a percentage of the sale's proceeds. If you'd like to explore options and talk to us about deploying your own RMRK-based NFT distribution platform, get in touch.

RMRK also has its own official UI, Singular. The full announcement with usage tutorial is in this post but the TLDR is that it's a UX-optimized minting and trading UI for Kusama-native NFTs. All you need is a Kusama address and a bit of KSM!

RMRK.app Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Bruno Škvorc
building things for modern blockchains
Yuri Petusko
Fullstack developer
Yuri G.
Tech head
Experienced multidisciplinary developer, creator a...

RMRK.app Laatste nieuws

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