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Rentberry bevindt zich op een positief traject op de lange termijn verhuur van platformruimte. We hebben al
meer dan 120.000 gebruikers en 224.000 eigendommen op ons platform en hebben $ 4 miljoen opgehaald
in fondsen van topindustrie-investeerders. In tegenstelling tot veel blockchain-startups hebben we al een
gevestigde onderneming die verder gaat dan een visie en een routekaart.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • HitBTC
    BERRY/BTC % count% maanden geleden
    $ 0.0002
    $ 0.0722
  • HitBTC
    BERRY/USDT % count% maanden geleden
    $ 0.0002
    $ 0.2948
  • HitBTC
    BERRY/ETH % count% maanden geleden
    $ 0.0017
    $ 0.0455
  • ForkDelta
    BERRY/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0007
    $ 0.4963
  • HitBTC
    BERRY/USD % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0004
    $ 34.10
  • Idex
    BERRY/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0004
    $ 23.68
  • Radar Relay
    BERRY/WETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0718
  • Radar Relay
    BERRY/DAI % count% een jaar geleden
  • Bamboo Relay
    BERRY/WETH % count% een jaar geleden
5 dec. 2017
28 feb. 2018
100% voltooid
$27 500 000
91% pet voltooid
pet 30 000 000.00 USD
  • 1500 BERRY
    1 ETH
5 dec. 2017
26 jan. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1500 BERRY
    1 ETH
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
United States
aanvullende details

Over Rentberry

Over Rentberry

Rentberry is een volledig operationeel langetermijnverhuurplatform dat gebruikmaakt van blockchaininfrastructuur om naadloze verhuurervaring te garanderen en zorgt voor crowdsourcing om huurders te helpen miljarden te besparen in huurwaarborgsommen.

  • Bewezen staat van dienst
    Rentberry is in 2015 opgericht en heeft zich bewezen als een succesvol bedrijf binnen de verhuurruimte op lange termijn. Tegenwoordig heeft het meer dan 110.000 gebruikers en 180.000 property's.
  • $ 4M succesvol verhoogd
    Rentberry heeft met succes $ 4 miljoen opgehaald bij de spraakmakende investeerders en risicokapitaalfondsen afkomstig uit 11 landen. Het is bezig met de afronding van zijn eerste token-verkoop.
  • 2 in 1 Fondsenwerving
    Rentberry zal tot 15% van de opbrengst gebruiken om kortetermijnverhuurwoningen over de hele wereld te kopen. Elke ICO-deelnemer wordt lid van exclusieve Rentberry Club.
  • Crowdsourced-aanpak
    Sociaal initiatief om huurders te helpen miljarden te sparen die zijn geblokkeerd in huurwaarborgsommen door leden van de Rentberry-gemeenschap toe te staan ​​om hen te verzekeren en in ruil daarvoor beloningen ontvangen.

Onze missie
We zijn ervan overtuigd dat langetermijnhuurruimte de volgende industrie is die wordt verstoord door technologieën, en ons hele team is van mening dat blockchain- en slimme contracten het inherente deel zijn van de aankomende innovatie. Hier bij Rentberry is ons doel om zowel verhuurders als huurders te laten genieten van een volledig gedecentraliseerde verhuurervaring die een open en transparant aanvraagproces, een crowdsourced beveiligingsnetwerk, onmiddellijke huurbetalingen, internationaal geldige huurders- en huisbaisscores, om er maar een paar te noemen, omvat.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Technologische vooruitgang

  • Integreer blockchain- en smart contracts-technologie op het hele platform. Start iOS- en Android-apps. Bestand internationale patenten.
  • Crowdsourced verhuurdeposito's

  • Sta toe dat huurders miljarden dollars ontgrendelen door een klein maandelijks bedrag te betalen in tokens in plaats van het betalen van volledige vooruitbetaalde veiligheidsdeposito's.
  • tokenization

  • Lancering van een betaalsysteem waarmee gebruikers betalingen kunnen doen / ontvangen voor huur en andere diensten op Rentberry-platform in BERRY-tokens.
  • Aankoop van onroerend goed

  • Koop onroerend goed in de top 25 van populairste steden en verhuurd ze op korte termijn aan platformgebruikers en leden van exclusieve Rentberry Club.
  • Lees verder
  • Proprietary Scoring System

  • Introduce Landlord and Tenants Scores that would be based on reviews, rental-related history and personal data saved on the blockchain.
  • 2019

  • Third-Party Providers

  • Offer API integration to local third-party service providers. Users will be able to order services directly from their Rentberry portals.
  • International Expansion

  • Expand across Europe and Asia. Offer a multi-language support. Partner with local credit bureaus and real estate companies.
  • Smart-Lock Technology

  • Integrate blockchain smart-lock technology that will significantly simplify open houses and move-in/move-out procedures.
  • 2020

  • Online Utility Bills

  • Werk samen met nutsbedrijven om gebruikers de mogelijkheid te geven de rekeningen rechtstreeks te betalen via het Rentberry-platform.

Rentberry Team

geverifieerd 3%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Alex Lubinsky
Lily Ostapchuk
Aleksey Perfilov
Serge Gritsenko
Chief Operating Officer
Denis Golubovsky
Blockchain Developer
Eugene Terentev
Blockchain Developer
David Sviatozhevsky
Backend Developer
Eugene Kurasov
Backend Developer
Alex Svityashchuk
Backend Developer
Nadia Sidko
Front-end Developer
Alexander Vilko
Front-end Developer
Anton Kazanov
Front-end Developer
Kostyantin Horozhano...
Front-end Developer
Denys Mykhailyshen
Front-end Developer
Max Zabarylo
QA Engineer
July Yakimova
QA Engineer
Alex Humeniuk
SEO Engineer
Alex Kotovskov
Product Designer
Liza Repko
Visual Designer
Serge Sokolov
Marketing Director
Alyona Blakytna
Business Development
Kseniya Tunikova
Content Manager
Kate Fisenko
Glen Reed
Partner, King & Spalding
Andrew Barlow
Managing Director, Venturian
Bijal Shah
Principal, WP Global Partners
Max Tappeiner
VP of Operations Las Vegas Sands Corp.
Michael Fernandez
CEO Factory 360
Maulik Bhagat
Managing Director, AArete Consulting
Michael Koran
Founder, Primary Residential Mortgage
Trevor Richards
CTO, Lightwell Corporation
Raj Nair
VP of Technology, Ericsson
Ayesha Rahman
Senior VP, Savantage Solutions
Derek Schueren
Managing Director, Recommind
Marco Rossi
VP Sales & Marketing, Siemens
Edward Levin
Partner, Pegasus Capital
William Robinson
Head of Patent Team, Lookout
Tim Temple
COO, Sarasin & Partners

Rentberry Laatste nieuws

$ 0.0003
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 93.223 K
Volume 24h:
$ 0.0031
Circ. Supply:
301.473 M BERRY
ICO profit
X 9.8818051578594E-8
ICO Price~$3,129.19

% name% Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized home rental platform which offers a fully operational and long term platform using block chain   and smart contract technology to ensure that the entire rental applications and contracts processes are completed quickly online. The technology used ensures seamless rental experience and allows for crowdsourcing to help the tenants freeze out the funds tied up in the rental security.


Transparency: The platform creates a healthy rental environment in which all the prospective tenants can customize and negotiate their rental offers based on the competition and as a result rent different places at a fair market price.  The block chain ensures that any transaction between the tenants and the landlord are well recorded and can always be referred to in cases of any future dispute. This promotes smooth co –existence amongst them.

Faster: The project enables the landlord and tenants to complete their tasks online without involving the middlemen, agents or brokers hence ensuring faster and instant rent payment with a reduced costs making the project profitable.

Crowd sourced security deposits: The members of the rent berry community can cover a portion of rental security deposits in exchange of the rewards enabling them to make higher amounts from the deposit reducing the financial burden on the tenants making the project economical.

Uniform standards: Rent berry through the use of berry token allows for easy and direct payment .It application through the use smart contract technology and crypto currencies enables immigrants to conveniently live and work in all countries around the World.


The provisions by the technology can make the tenants to over freeze the rental deposit from the rental security yet there are no recognized insurance institutions or saving firms that can be protect quality renters. It further give the renters limited choices for investment which can prevent them from any further advancements.


The use of block chain technology in the real estate rental has projected several advancement worldwide owing to its application instead of the traditional methods  which were  much costy due to the existence of the  house agents. This makes the project viable in further ensuring that there is transparency through the use of smart contracts and tenants reward using the crowd source approach.

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ICO review website

The long-term rental platforms market already has several successful projects, such as Aquilando and Spotahome. The latter one raised $13.6M in several stages, according to Crunchbase. The competition on the market is tight on a local level: there are both startups with existing solutions and existing customers (for example, OneRent in Bay Area, ErasmusInn in Europe) and old-fashioned players (rental agencies) here trying to capture the share.

They also plan to expand geographically in 2018. The expansion seems too fast and the compliance with local authorities’ risk has to be considered Rentberry’s roadmap for the next two years seems too general and could be more detailed. The large volume landlords will have incentives then to split their business on the platform to avoid fees and this risk for monetization has to be considered. The project is overvalued. Small investors could be under the risk. Previously, the company has already raised VC funds.

None of the core team members has previous experience in real estate market and this can slow down the expansion of the project. It is worth noting that the social media pages of Rentberry (Twitter, Facebook) seems to be pumped by subscribers with no activity.

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AMLT brings a solid and viable concept backed by both a strong team and big-name partners. This makes it a highly competitive project, even if it has competition to face (There are other brands assisting companies in terms of regulatory compliance implementation. Those include Chainanalysis or Scorechain for instance).
Financial regulation is not something people in the crypto field have a unanimous agreement on (there is a kind of struggle between whether to centralize and regulate, or to maintain a higher level of independence when it comes to cryotocurrency), but all can agree that the requirements are only intensifying. As cryptocurrencies are moving beyond fields that are more isolated and into mainstream applications, platforms like AMLT could become a prerequisite for their wide acceptance and proper legislation.

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The quite vigorously developing usual rental business receives more than $4 million as investments suddenly decides to go for an ICO service. Why besides just getting funds at the same time pulling up the blockchain.

Investing in this project may be considered as a standard investment option taking into account the risks associated with the real estate industry.

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