Rentberry는 완전히 운영 가능한 장기 대여 플랫폼으로 원활한 임대를 보장하기 위해 블록 체인 인프라를 활용합니다. 경험을 통해 크라우드 소싱으로 입주자를 보호 할 수 있습니다. 임대 보증금으로 수십억 달러.
우리 사명
우리는 장기 임대 공간이 다음 산업임을 확신합니다. 기술로 인해 혼란을 겪을 수 있으며, 전체 팀은 블록 체인 및 현명한 계약은 곧 나오는 혁신. 여기 Rentberry에서 우리의 목표는 집주인과 세입자는 완전히 분산 된 임대 경험을 즐긴다. 개방적이고 투명한 신청 절차, 크라우드 소싱 보증금 네트워크, 즉석 임대료 지불, 국제적으로 유효한 세입자 및 임대인의 점수로 소수.
기술 진보
Crowdsourced 임대 보증금
토큰 화
부동산 취득
독점 채점 시스템
2019 년
타사 공급자
국제적 확장
스마트 잠금 기술
2020 년
온라인 공과금
검증 됨 3%
주의. 확인되지 않은 회원은 실제로 팀원이 아닌 위험이 있습니다.
This is a decentralized home rental platform which offers a fully operational and long term platform using block chain and smart contract technology to ensure that the entire rental applications and contracts processes are completed quickly online. The technology used ensures seamless rental experience and allows for crowdsourcing to help the tenants freeze out the funds tied up in the rental security.
Transparency: The platform creates a healthy rental environment in which all the prospective tenants can customize and negotiate their rental offers based on the competition and as a result rent different places at a fair market price. The block chain ensures that any transaction between the tenants and the landlord are well recorded and can always be referred to in cases of any future dispute. This promotes smooth co –existence amongst them.
Faster: The project enables the landlord and tenants to complete their tasks online without involving the middlemen, agents or brokers hence ensuring faster and instant rent payment with a reduced costs making the project profitable.
Crowd sourced security deposits: The members of the rent berry community can cover a portion of rental security deposits in exchange of the rewards enabling them to make higher amounts from the deposit reducing the financial burden on the tenants making the project economical.
Uniform standards: Rent berry through the use of berry token allows for easy and direct payment .It application through the use smart contract technology and crypto currencies enables immigrants to conveniently live and work in all countries around the World.
The provisions by the technology can make the tenants to over freeze the rental deposit from the rental security yet there are no recognized insurance institutions or saving firms that can be protect quality renters. It further give the renters limited choices for investment which can prevent them from any further advancements.
The use of block chain technology in the real estate rental has projected several advancement worldwide owing to its application instead of the traditional methods which were much costy due to the existence of the house agents. This makes the project viable in further ensuring that there is transparency through the use of smart contracts and tenants reward using the crowd source approach.
The long-term rental platforms market already has several successful projects, such as Aquilando and Spotahome. The latter one raised $13.6M in several stages, according to Crunchbase. The competition on the market is tight on a local level: there are both startups with existing solutions and existing customers (for example, OneRent in Bay Area, ErasmusInn in Europe) and old-fashioned players (rental agencies) here trying to capture the share.
They also plan to expand geographically in 2018. The expansion seems too fast and the compliance with local authorities’ risk has to be considered Rentberry’s roadmap for the next two years seems too general and could be more detailed. The large volume landlords will have incentives then to split their business on the platform to avoid fees and this risk for monetization has to be considered. The project is overvalued. Small investors could be under the risk. Previously, the company has already raised VC funds.
None of the core team members has previous experience in real estate market and this can slow down the expansion of the project. It is worth noting that the social media pages of Rentberry (Twitter, Facebook) seems to be pumped by subscribers with no activity.
AMLT brings a solid and viable concept backed by both a strong team and big-name partners. This makes it a highly competitive project, even if it has competition to face (There are other brands assisting companies in terms of regulatory compliance implementation. Those include Chainanalysis or Scorechain for instance).
Financial regulation is not something people in the crypto field have a unanimous agreement on (there is a kind of struggle between whether to centralize and regulate, or to maintain a higher level of independence when it comes to cryotocurrency), but all can agree that the requirements are only intensifying. As cryptocurrencies are moving beyond fields that are more isolated and into mainstream applications, platforms like AMLT could become a prerequisite for their wide acceptance and proper legislation.
The quite vigorously developing usual rental business receives more than $4 million as investments suddenly decides to go for an ICO service. Why besides just getting funds at the same time pulling up the blockchain.
Investing in this project may be considered as a standard investment option taking into account the risks associated with the real estate industry.
이 쿠폰은 쿠폰 제공자가 제공 한 정보 및 기타 공개적으로 제공되는 정보를 기반으로합니다. 토큰 판매 또는 교환 이벤트는 ICO 보유자와 전적으로 관련이 없으며 ICOholder는 이에 관여하지 않습니다 (기술 지원 또는 프로모션 포함). ICOholder와 관계가없는 사람들로부터 나열된 토큰 판매는 고객이 전반적인 토큰 부문에서 발생하는 활동을 추적하는 데 도움이되는 경우에만 표시됩니다. 이 정보는 귀하가 의지해야 할 조언에 해당하지 않습니다. 당사 사이트의 내용을 기반으로 한 조치를 취하거나 삼 가기 전에 전문가 또는 전문가의 자문을 구하거나 자신의 실사를 수행해야합니다. 토큰 획득과 관련하여 참가자가 입력 한 조건은 토큰과 ICO 소유자의 발행인이 그러한 토큰의 판매자가 아닙니다. ICO 소유자는 토큰 판매와 관련하여 제 3 자의 진술에 대해 법적 책임이 없으며 계약 위반에 대한 청구는 여기에 열거 된 토큰 발행 기관과 직접 체결해야합니다. p>
이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오. p> div>