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The trading of every asset is rewarded with 50,000 PIXR (ERC20). Internet radio has not yet expressed its full potential in terms of performance both at the level of musicians and at the level of listeners. Pixiradio comes with a system that will allow the listener to be rewarded by listening the good music. this is possible thanks to the Ethereum mining mechanism that its device performs and also thanks to the advertisers.‍ This is how the https://www.pixiradio.com token and NFT comes into play for rewards and to increase in value as users increase in number. PIXIRADIO NFT represents a collection of 999 unique radio musical symbols classified by level of rarity and generated with hundreds of elements. PIXIRADIO NFTs are, purposely stored as ERC-1155 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and kept on an interplanetary file system (IPFS) which is one of the most secure in the system. Underground Artist will then be able to earn royalties
9 jun. 2023
28 jul. 2023
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
every adress that purchase receive 50,000 PIXR (erc20) per NFT.
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Min. Bijdrage
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As PIXIRADIO holder, you will be connected to our main radio system. Indeed, you will be able to interact with our Fungible token which allows you to reward listeners. Since our LISTEN TO EARN (ERC20) system will also work as PIXIRADIO(PIXR) mining, your NFT will clearly increase in value.

The opportunity to be seized with PIXIRADIO is relevant in view of the details that make it strong: Allow listeners to receive rewards by listening to music, mine Block Reward from the devices of these listeners, migrate to the payment of royalties at starting from cryptocurrency, making partnerships with advertisers and above all, becoming the music label to support the most vulnerable in today’s musical world.

Owning a Pixiradio NFT obviously increases opportunities in the music industry, which represents one of the greatest wealth in the world. Do you know immersive sound in music?

The launch of the tokens that will soon follow will just be a confirmation of a sudden increase in value for its holder.


We believe in abundance and the responsibility to give back to others.

Our first project is to provide more than the equivalent of 250,000,000 of our tokens (From NFT revenues) for the care of children with autism, because many autistic people have talents that they never exploit for lack of follow-up.

We are setting a model and priority for community charity that will change the world. A percentage of the Royalties of the NFT will thus be associated with the kitty reserved for this major social work.


Those who believe in the project and its mission are most important to us.

We will constantly be looking for new, unique and interesting ways to reward first and new owners. Check out our Telegram, it’s always full of surprises!

One of our best surprises is the distribution of our first TOKENs for the first 100 NFTs holders.Lifetime access to major musical events, digital and physical gadgets will follow with the establishment of the record label. They will simply be part of the Project.


After the release of the PIXIRADIO tokens, we will invest in an important project for our HOLDERS: The Record Company based on IMMERSIVE SOUND. This project will be controlled by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

Independent Artists and Underground artists will be the biggest direct beneficiaries.

Our members will also have the opportunity to invest.


In business, you either adapt or die.

The METAVERSE is REAL, and all of its infinite possibilities are unignorable.

As soon as we sold out of public mint, we put our money where our mouth is by immediately purchasing SANDBOX land to begin development of the PIXIRADIO HQ.


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Yvana Floyd

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