Orthogonal Trading

Orthogonal Trading

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Orthogonal Trading is a multi-strategy cryptocurrency trading firm focused solely on the digital asset markets. The Firm exploits inefficiencies in the nascent digital asset markets by using market neutral arbitrage trading across CeFi and DeFi to create a consistent, positive carry backbone and then augments these returns via capturing alpha via active trading in both cryptocurrency volatility markets and systematic delta 1 strategies. Orthogonal Trading also undertakes selective VC investing.
To be announced
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Over Orthogonal Trading

Orthogonal Trading has a meritocratic culture where you are judged on your performance, contributions and talent. We aim to hire smart, hungry, trustworthy individuals who are excited about digital assets and willing to deep dive into the world of cryptocurrency to both extract alpha and develop the broader ecosystem. Orthogonal Trading is a firm that gives employees freedom, does not stand on hierarchy and in return expects employees to do what needs to be done within the rules to deliver results to our investors.

Orthogonal Trading Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Michael Zim
Managing Partner
Joshua Green
Managing Partner
Dr Ian Gregory


$224 876

Evgeni Mitkov
Adi Dommaraju
Scott Weatherill

Orthogonal Trading Laatste nieuws

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