

Created using Figma
Midex is een op financiële producten gebaseerd blockchain-platform
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Over Midex

The first innovative cryptocurrency financial platform
Midex’s instruments and services provide unique solutions on the basis of blockchain, which has no extant analogues in the world and offers revolutionary solutions regarding the consolidation of the world of cryptocurrencies and classical finance systems. The combination of neural networks and smart-contracts controls the majority of processes within the Midex ecosystem, thus eliminating the possibility of mistakes and compromises.

Unique сryptoсurrency exchange
Midex Exchange is a round-the-clock service for access to the market of cryptocurrencies, observing all legal norms. Its unquestionable advantages: trade analysis instruments, trading bots, signals of experienced traders, and the ability to strike personal deals with other users.

Unified asset management center
Quick access to assets through internet banking and applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The center for managing your finances, bringing together intuitive design and a modern platform for sending and receiving transfers, charging, exchange operations,accounts and investments.

Connection of external accounts
The first service in the world witch gives you the ability to connect other financial service accounts and cryptocurrency exchanges with the subsequent management by them from the Midex account. Full asset management control from one point using private API keys.

Aggregator of exchange quotations
Clear monitoring of quotations of the world's cryptocurrency exchanges with customizable notifications of events and an advanced system of technical analysis.

All cryptocurrency exchanges in one place
Unified cryptocurrency trading center has no analogs in the world and allows you to work with cryptocurrency markets for a single interface. Earn between the difference in exchange rates. Quick exchange of assets between markets, remote order distribution deposit and withdrawal of funds, trade history.

Midex system security
On the basis of research done on security systems of the world cryptocurrency market,and on the basis on incident analysis connected with the closing of large trading platforms, Midex has managed to put together a security system with no equals anywhere. It takes into account potential threats of all kinds whitch could compromise the data or lead to theft of funds.

Principle of cold storage
Base crypto assets are stored outside of the internet in cold wallets, the keys to which are distributed in several parts and save separately. Daily aggregation wallets are used for current operations, the amount of funds of them is limited by the possible daily needs of the system, and surpluses are sent to cold storage automatically.

Smart contracts & Blockchain
Blockchain technology is widely used in Midex business processes which makes impossible to substitute or lose financial data.
Using Smart contracts makes Midex a reliable and impartial guarantor of fulfilling obligations to users of the system.


Licentie onder licentie verleend door Zwitserse bankiers en advocaten

Technische informatie

Midex-infrastructuur: Exchange, Escrow, ATM, kaarten, ICO-centrum, Invest & amp; Krediet, betaling

Technologieën: gegevensencryptie, verdeelde blockchain, biometrie, big data, het internet der dingen, neurale netwerken en AI & nbsp;

% naam% Roadmap

  • Before ICO

  • - Cryptocurrency exchange
    - Exchange of Cryptocurrency
    - Safe transactions. Escrow
    - Web-platform
    - Public API
    - Aggregation of quoted prices
  • Q2 2018

  • - P2P loans marketplace
    - Asset management
    - Acceptance of payments
    - Trading API
    - Mobile applications
    - EMI liсense
    - Participation in SWIFT
    - Blockchain
  • Q3 2018

  • - Bank license
    - Saving accounts
    - Settlement accounts
    - Issue of plastic cards
    - Asset Management marketplace
    - Mining pool hub
    - Crypto Exchange aggregation
    - Cryptomats
  • Q4 2018

  • - Creation of Midex Coin
    - Lending
    - Educational program
    - Midex secure system
    - Social trade network
  • Lees verder
  • Q2 2019

  • - Venture investment
    - Insurance
    - Broker services
    - ICO Marketplace
  • Q4 2019

  • - Venture investment
    - Premium Insurance
    - Marketplace
    - ICO Marketplace
    - Mining pool hub
    - Social trading network

Midex Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Andrew Dubinin


$5 875 690

Dmitry Machikhin
Alex Shkirin
Head of tax and Legal
Gabriel Brack
Swiss Financial Expert
Kaznacheev Evgeny
CTO (Technical director)
Valeria Mingova
PR Director
Mike Blackwood
Stan Sokolovsky
Legal counsel
Ars Dain
IR manager
Max Oleynik
Marketing manager
Nik Postnik
Hype manager
Natasha Lukina
Project manager
Ury Strelets
IT Developer
Vladislav Romanov
IT Developer
Sadykh Sadykhov
IT Developer
Vitaly Kuhar
IT Developer
Dmitry Kogevnikov
Olga Shih


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Eyal Hertzog
Blockchain advisor
Renato Almeida
Legal advisor


$17 721 225

Shebin John

Midex Laatste nieuws

5.0 8
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews


Midex aims to disrupt the modern cryptocurrency exchange and financial systems by introducing a blockchain-based cryptocurrency exchange. That exchange revolves around the use of MDX tokens, which are used for some transactions within the Midex network. In addition, Midex token holders receive a proportional share of revenue collected by the platform.

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The project has its own team of Fintech experts, legal specialists, and technocrats. Keeping in mind the team’s in-depth know-how, the project’s activities will conform to all the legislative requirements in Hong Kong, the UK, the US, Japan, Singapore; plus, the platform is engineered to meet the European AML requirements.

In addition, the project’s MVP is already ready, and that’s definitely a plus. Considering the market toward which the project is targeted, Midex has the potential to disrupt a dynamically developing sector. So, after going through the project’s whitepaper, we believe that it surely has what it takes to be the next big thing in the crypto-verse. However, like a good investor (know how to invest in ICOs), you should run the due diligence on Midex before making a final decision.

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  • Omdat er mogelijk tijdsverschillen zijn in informatie-updates, moet nauwkeurige informatie over elk ICO-project worden geverifieerd via de officiële website of andere communicatiekanalen.
  • Deze informatie is geen suggestie of advies over beleggen in ICO-financiering. Onderzoek de relevante informatie zelf grondig en besluit over ICO-deelname.
  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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