MeTrxChain Exchange

MeTrxChain Exchange

Created using Figma
MeTrx or MeTrxCoin is a cryptocurrency created by MeTrxChain Exchange and is the official MeTrxChain exchange Coin that will be the foundation of the future MeTrxChain ecosystem.
aug., 2021
sep., 2021
100% voltooid
0% doel voltooid
Doel 100 000.00 USD
pet 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 METRX
    0.0004 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
50% Public IEO

10% Platform Integration

10% Bounty

5% Locked

15% Team & Advisors

10% Community & Marketing
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
MeTrxChain Exchange
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype
Binance samrt chain

Over MeTrxChain Exchange

(MeTrx) MeTrxCoin


MeTrx or MeTrxCoin is a cryptocurrency created by MeTrxChain Exchange

MeTrxCoin is the official MeTrxChain exchange Coin that will be the foundation of the future MeTrxChain ecosystem.

● Coin description

MeTrxCoin runs natively on the Binance Smart Chain and follows the BEP20 token standard.

The MeTrxCoin has established with a total supply of 50 Million.

MeTrxChain plans To use 25% of our profits each quarter to buy back MeTrxCoin.

● MeTrxCoin can be used in several ways:

To exchange for other crypto or fiat currencies.

Can use to pay the cryptocurrency withdrawal fee with a discount.

Also can use it to pay the Trading fee with a discount up to 30%.

MeTrxCoin will have own payment system.

Can use the coin to list IEO.

We’re continuing to work on additional uses for MeTrxcoin.

MeTrxChain Exchange Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

Jae Yang

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