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MediLOT ICO is een uniek hiërarchisch ecosysteem met dubbele bloksystemen gebaseerd op EHR-systemen dat functies voor machine learning en data-analyse opneemt bovenop besturings- en gegevenslagen en een machine learning API bouwt met complexe applicaties op het systeem dat ik kan.

Door een distributieradministratie (Hyperledger ++) te hebben die alle transacties registreert, kunnen de volledige patiëntgegevens op de lange termijn te allen tijde worden doorzocht door een gezondheidswerker die bevoegd is voor klinisch gebruik. Deze medische dossiers zijn toegankelijk met goedkeuring van de patiënt tussen verschillende instanties.
To be announced
Details token
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Platform, Gezondheid

Over Medilot

MediLOT is een op dual blockchain gebaseerd EHR ecosysteem met een unieke gelaagde architectuur die machine learning en data analytics-mogelijkheden bevat bovenop de controle- en gegevenslagen, waardoor machine learning API's met complexe applicaties bovenop het systeem kunnen worden gebouwd. < / p>

Door een gedistribueerd grootboek (Hyperledger ++) te hebben dat alle transacties registreert, kunnen de volledige longitudinale patiëntgegevens op elk moment worden opgehaald door bevoegde zorgverleners voor klinisch gebruik. Deze gezondheidsdossiers zijn dan toegankelijk, met toestemming van patiënten, in verschillende instellingen. Bijvoorbeeld, een patiënt die een ziekenhuis bezoekt waar hij nog nooit eerder is behandeld, hoeft geen onderzoek te herhalen, omdat de arts of arts die toegangsrechten heeft gekregen via MediLOT toegang heeft tot zijn hele medische dossier. Bovendien kunnen differentiële toestemmingskeuzes, zoals die met orgaandonatie, medische richtlijnen en onderzoek vooruitgaan, ook op de blockchain worden vastgelegd en universeel worden gebruikt. Met name kunnen toestemmingskeuzes met betrekking tot het gebruik van gegevens voor onderzoek op een gedetailleerde manier worden vastgelegd, zodat onderzoekers onmiddellijk kunnen vaststellen of patiënten ermee instemmen dat hun gegevens worden gebruikt voor onderzoek, inclusief het gebruik van hun biologisch materiaal, en of identificatie is toegestaan ​​als daar behoefte aan is.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q1 2019

  • Lite Mainnet up in community clinic setting.
  • Q2 2019

  • Complete ForkBase Integration.
  • Q3 2019

  • Testnet up in hospital setting.
  • Q1 2020

  • Limited Mainnet with core functionality in one geographical cluster.
  • Lees verder
  • Q2 2020

  • GEMINI Trial.
  • Q4 2020

  • Mainnet online in Singapore.
  • Q2 2021

  • Asia Mainnet launch.

Medilot Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Ooi Beng Chin
Ngiam Kee Yuan
Marcus Tan
Zhang Meihui
Zhang Jiangwei
Xiao Xiaokui
Zhang Dongxiang
Cai Qingchao
Dinh Tien Tuan Anh
Andreea Costea
Dumitrel Loghin
Wang Sheng
Luo Zhaojing
Ruan Pingcheng
Xie Zhongle
Zheng Kaiping
Zhou Xuxuan


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

James Yip


$69 390 834

Shaun Djie
Phan Vee Leung

Medilot Laatste nieuws

5.0 17
WEB2 Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

ICO Pantera
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Midgard Research

We believe that MediLOT is one of the exciting upcoming IEO and here are the reasons why:
First of all, the project is formulated and executed by a Singapore-based team with solid experience in medicine, tech and business development. The core members are from the blockchain and healthcare spheres:
- Co-founder Professor Beng Chin Ooi is 1 of the 2 Distinguished Professors and has spent over 30 years at the National University of Singapore's Department of Computer Science
- Co-founder Professor Meihui Zhang is a Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology and a winner of prestigious China's Young Scholar Thousand Talents Program in 2018
- Co-founder Dr Marcus Tan is an Opthalmologist (Eye Specialist) and a Clinical Lecturer at the National University of Singapore
- CEO Koon Swee Lim has 25 years of senior management experience in healthcare industry, biomedical technology commercialisation and investments
The research done by MediLOT's team of professors has been cited in many reputable publications. 
Backed by equity investor SG Innovate, the Singapore Government Venture Capital Fund, MediLot has a monopoly in Singapore, having already partnered with National University Hospital (the largest medical research institution in Singapore). More contracts with other Singapore hospitals will be announced. The team has also secured a foothold in the fast-growing China healthcare market.  
Secondly, we like the idea of the project because it has a real use-case with seamless adoption of blockchain in our daily life. In summary, MediLOT is a dual blockchain-based Electronic Health Records platform that allows individual patients to grant healthcare providers, research institutions and pharmaceuticals access to their encrypted medical data by indicating the storage location. This is a highly secure solution which adheres to GDPR and other stringent data privacy regulations. Patients will be incentivized and empowered to permit the usage of their data to facilitate research, such as the research to create new drugs and treatments for cancers.
Thirdly, the token metrics is reasonable while the tokenomics is deflationary. IEO hardcap is $1,500,000 (for 8.5% of total token supply) while the initial circulating supply is $2,168,366. LOT Tokens retained by the MediLOT Platform will be burnt.  
Last but not least, Ricky Ng, the founder of Bitsdaq, is one of the advisors, so we will keep an eye on it. Probably it will be an IEO on Bitsdaq Exchange

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Crypto Calibur

Medilot has flown under the radar for many of us not focused on developments in Asia but the project has a number of strong points. These include the fact that Medilot is operating in a lucrative sector and has a very much needed use case and is attempting to disrupt an industry that has been using outdated methods for quite some time. On top of this, the project has already developed an MVP and various aspects of the code are available to be verified. Medilot also has a strong core team with partnerships/collaborations with the National University of Singapore, the National University Health System, Singapore, and Chinese hospitals such as the Shandong Province Hospital, the Zhejiang Chinese Medical University Affiliated Jiangnan Hospital, and the Shenzhen Kingcome Hospital.
They have also been backed by SGInnovate, Signum Capital, and two other renowned investors who wish to remain private. which shows they are developing something significant, however, due to the scope of the project Medilot could prove to be a slow burner. There is a long wait until the mainnet with a launch set for Singapore in Q4 2020, and the Asia launch is in Q3 2021. This will leave the LOT token open to pure speculation for quite a while and could even allow the market to grow cold on the project. In addition, in the long term LOT tokens rely on adoption to maintain value and there’s no guarantee this will happen anytime soon. Furthermore, the team do state that in the preliminary stage, organisations who do not wish to stake LOT can deposit fiat which will be treated as a security deposit. This won’t help the token price when the project is getting off the ground, however, the team aim to retain 30% of all LOT Tokens via the platform’s fee structure regarding data sharing. Also LOT tokens held by the Platform will be held to insure against Black Swan events, and may also be burnt by the management as well as locked up by institutions and organisations that choose to stake tokens. The low token sale ratio also increases the importance of the team’s token management; however, with the team getting ready to conduct an IEO, there should be enough positive price action to attract anyone looking for short term returns. Anyone looking to follow the project in the long term should keep an eye on developments and adoption community growth over the next year as the project nears its first mainnet launch.

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