Lofi Defi

Lofi Defi

Created using Figma
Social platform that connects artists, musicians and investors with an integrated NFT marketplace and gallery. $LOFI is the native token of LOFI-DEFI platform built on Binance Smart Chain.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Coinstore
    LOFI/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 3.38E-6
    $ 2.255 K
  • WhiteBIT
    LOFI/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 1.837E-5
    $ 858.56
To be announced
Details token
aanvullende details

Over Lofi Defi

What is $LOFI?

$LOFI will be used on the LOFI-DEFI platform for tipping, subscribing and purchasing NFTs. Connecting creators and investors on the Binance Smart Chain. 

Passive Rewards

Buy and hold $LOFI, and watch your balance grow over time.

Secure & Safe

Our smart contract is verified, audited by Tech-Audit and BitRise. Liquidity has been locked.

Community Driven

Fully decentralized. Equal access fair launch open to all.


LOFI-DEFI collects 9% tax fee on each transaction for the benefit of $LOFI holders and the longevity of the platform

5% Distributed to $LOFI holders

2% Burn wallet contract

2% Team wallet for ops expenses


% naam% Roadmap

  • Phase 1- Launch

  • ✔ LOFI-DEFI branding
    ✔ Website launch
    ✔ Deploy smart contract
    ✔ BscScan Code verification
    ✔ DEX listing
    ✔ Fair launch
  • Phase 2 Growth

  • ✔ Community building
    ✔ Whitelisting creators
    ✔ CEX listing
    ✔ Marketing campaign
    ✔ Register LLC
  • Phase 3 Expansion

  • Strategic Partnerships
    Whitelisted onboarding
    LOFI collaborators page
    Influencer marketing
    Beta launch
  • Phase 4 Utility

  • Platform launch
    Full-feature implementation
    NFT gallery and marketplace
    Top CEX listing

Lofi Defi Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

David Cohen
Jose Abril, Jr.
Bohdan Yemchuk
Graphic Designer
Ryan Stamos
Community Manager
Tony Tsigonias
Marketing Manager

Lofi Defi Laatste nieuws

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