Lofi Defi

Lofi Defi

Created using Figma
Social platform that connects artists, musicians and investors with an integrated NFT marketplace and gallery. $LOFI is the native token of LOFI-DEFI platform built on Binance Smart Chain.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • Coinstore
    LOFI/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 3.38E-6
    $ 2.255 K
  • WhiteBIT
    LOFI/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 1.837E-5
    $ 858.56
To be announced
Token Details
Additional Details

About Lofi Defi

What is $LOFI?

$LOFI will be used on the LOFI-DEFI platform for tipping, subscribing and purchasing NFTs. Connecting creators and investors on the Binance Smart Chain. 

Passive Rewards

Buy and hold $LOFI, and watch your balance grow over time.

Secure & Safe

Our smart contract is verified, audited by Tech-Audit and BitRise. Liquidity has been locked.

Community Driven

Fully decentralized. Equal access fair launch open to all.


LOFI-DEFI collects 9% tax fee on each transaction for the benefit of $LOFI holders and the longevity of the platform

5% Distributed to $LOFI holders

2% Burn wallet contract

2% Team wallet for ops expenses


Lofi Defi Roadmap

  • Phase 1- Launch

  • ✔ LOFI-DEFI branding
    ✔ Website launch
    ✔ Deploy smart contract
    ✔ BscScan Code verification
    ✔ DEX listing
    ✔ Fair launch
  • Phase 2 Growth

  • ✔ Community building
    ✔ Whitelisting creators
    ✔ CEX listing
    ✔ Marketing campaign
    ✔ Register LLC
  • Phase 3 Expansion

  • Strategic Partnerships
    Whitelisted onboarding
    LOFI collaborators page
    Influencer marketing
    Beta launch
  • Phase 4 Utility

  • Platform launch
    Full-feature implementation
    NFT gallery and marketplace
    Top CEX listing

Lofi Defi Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

David Cohen
Jose Abril, Jr.
Bohdan Yemchuk
Graphic Designer
Ryan Stamos
Community Manager
Tony Tsigonias
Marketing Manager

Lofi Defi Last News

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