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LMWR will be deeply integrated into all aspects of the LimeWire platform. Perks range from token rewards in exchange for loyalty and activity, to community voting rights and discounts all the way to royalty distribution.
mei, 2023
jun., 2023
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
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LimeWire GmbH
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Over LimeWire

LimeWire, the once beloved platform that helped millions of users in the early 2000’s to discover their favorite music, is back, to once again reinvent how fans and artists share content and interact with each other.

The new LimeWire is a platform for content creators, artists and brands to create membershipbased communities for their most passionate fans.

We aim to help content creators build a recurring revenue stream by providing a platform and framework for direct fan membership. In turn, fans receive exclusive content, access to a private community, the ability to directly communicate with the artists and brands they love, and become a part of their journey.

Through blockchain technology, we make exclusive content and assets ownable and tradeable, allowing fans to not only consume exclusive content but also to directly participate in the success of the creators they support.

In short, the new LimeWire is the first Web3 subscription platform for artists, brands and creators.

The new LimeWire, initially relaunched in mid-2022 as a marketplace to buy, sell and trade digital collectibles, has now evolved into a fully-fledged membership platform that enables creators, artists and brands to create gated, membership-based communities, allowing them to connect with their most loyal fans and followers.

The LimeWire membership platform, LimeWire Subscriptions, allows content creators to build communities centered around a members-only content-feed that enables them to distribute exclusive video, audio, photo and text-based content to their community of subscribers. Access to a creator’s community can not only be based on a monthly or yearly subscription fee, but can also be token-gated based on NFT or Token ownership, allowing Web3 brands to create communities around their products.

Fans are able to subscribe to their favorite content creators, artists and brands on LimeWire to get access to and own exclusive content, start direct messaging threads with creators, purchase limited paid content drops directly through the newsfeed, and communicate with other members within the creator’s community.

LimeWire also offers support for free subscriptions and free trials, allowing a quick onboarding of a large number of users to enable later monetization of a creator’s community through paid drops & posts in their community feeds.

LimeWire Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Paul Zehetmayr
Founder & Co-CEO
Julian Zehetmayr
Founder & Co-CEO

LimeWire Laatste nieuws

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