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LakeView-Meta (LVM) is an open-world metaverse, available on PC and Android, that combines multi-chain capability with P2E/C2E gaming, NFTs, staking, with future plans for a launch pad and more
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Over LakeViewMeta

LAKEVIEW-META is an open-world metaverse, available on PC and android (to be released on iOS mobile & Mac in future) that combines multi-chain capability with P2E, C2E, NFTS and more .

The open world metaverse can be navigated on foot, by car and other forms of transportation coming soon. Our proprietary multi-chain API capability allows us to transact in eight of the top crypto-currencies including BNB, Ethereum, Cronos, Solana, Avalanche, Polygon, Celo and others.

The P2E & C2E games are both played in either the open world metaverse or the arcade. The nft’s include cars, characters, homes, property and we are just at the beginning of how the true utility of the NFT’S will be incorporated and realized.

The whole reason LakeView was created was to bring crypto together under one place.

• A place that is open to all projects.

• A place where a community is built to support all partners in the LakeView Ecosystem.

• A place where the negativity, that can damn many projects, is not seen, but instead positivity is seen behind all projects that leads to them flourishing .

We are so excited to bring Lakeview Meta to the world and hope you have as much fun exploring, earning and having fun as we have building it for you 🏡👫


LakeViewMeta Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Mitch Zantin
Paul Chrisma

LakeViewMeta Laatste nieuws

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