

Created using Figma
Knoks introduceert de crypto-handelsgemeenschap met een unieke marktplaats en een meer georganiseerde, transparante en betrouwbare werkomgeving.

Voor beleggers op het gebied van digitale valuta biedt Knoks een toegewijde ruimte van hoogwaardige analisten en een nieuwe standaard voor nauwkeurigheid via een objectief classificatiesysteem, omdat kennis en informatie de basis vormen voor succesvolle handel.
Private Sale
1 sep. 2018
30 sep. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
aanvullende details

Over Knoks

At Knoks we believe blockchain technology and digital currency are the future of modern economics. As a first step towards furthering this goal we thought it’s important to create a systematic environment which will normalize and organize digital currency trading, because we believe objective, empirical data is a basic  principles in trading.

Our platform provides a marketplace for traders and analysts alike, where both can benefit from each other. Analysts can sell their signals and capitalize on their expertise and traders can have a trustworthy, verified source for crypto signals.

With an emphasis on accuracy and accountability, Knoks was built to provide robust tools for digital currency trading, as well as advancing one’s skills. We believe that this, coupled with a progressive pricing system, and an open admission policy will form a strong community of crypto traders and analysts, who will be driven by mutual success.

Finally, we are also firm believers in fun! We made sure Knoks is packed full of social features, rewards and gamification, so using our platform will not only be useful and profitable, but pleasurable as well!

Knoks ​also combines many social features, meant to increase communication between players and create a lively community geared towards healthy competition and mutual success, but still maintaining a balance between​ “wisdom of the crowd” and online noise.

Collective success is ultimately at the heart of the ​Knoks​ model and its main objective. Therefore, our goal is to create a matrix of bilaterally beneficial connections between signal providers and traders, in which the success of one player is dependent upon that of another and vice versa. By creating an objective, transparent rating system for signals, the signal-providers’ reputation and profits become directly linked to the quality of the information they provide. Traders on the other hand, can enjoy trustworthy signals, follow skilled signal-providers or other traders and become better traders, but also, inadvertently contribute to the overall improvement of the information and system by rating signal-providers. All of these elements are enhanced by the platform’s token integration. By generating its own token, ​Knoks​ will bind the use of the platform with its direct success. It will thus create a common interest for all parties involved, while remain independent from the variability of other currencies.

​Knoks will ensure its neutrality, by being prohibited from publishing signals about our native token. We believe objective, empirical data is the most important principle in trading. This, combined with a strong community, driven by mutual success in a token integrated platform, ensures healthy growth, long term success and the development of a platform which will become a leader in cryptocurrency trading and signal-management.

Knoks Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Robert Nachum
Daniel Shlomo Peled
Milana Valmont
Ina Pardo


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Ofer Lahan
Guy Dolev​
Shreyas Chari

Knoks Laatste nieuws

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