Galactic Arena

Galactic Arena

Created using Figma
Welcome to the Galactic Arena: The NFTverse!
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • ApeSwap
    GAN/0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0004
    $ 6.69 K
  • ApeSwap
    GAN/0XE9E7CEA3DEDCA5984780BAFC599BD69ADD087D56 % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0005
    GAN/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0008
    $ 116.725 K
  • MEXC
    GAN/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0031
    $ 272.268 K
To be announced
Details token
aanvullende details
Platform, Spel

Over Galactic Arena

As the number of play to earn games increase, so does the number of NFT characters that these games create.

Players come onto gaming platforms and invest their money into these games by purchasing these NFTs, and in essence locking their capital in the game. These NFTs can only generate revenue on these platforms, and are not able to integrate into another game.

But what if that game / platform fails, or is rendered obsolete? The player loses the value of their NFTs, and loses their capital.

Galactic Arena aims to solve this problem by allowing these NFTs to connect to our game and join the Arena. By bringing those NFTs into our NFTverse, we allow them to gain back their value and remain a revenue generating asset for their owners. We plan to add characters from more than 25 different games into our ecosystem to give a multitude of players the chance to rejuvenate their NFTs, or simply generate more revenue.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q3 2021

  • Founded GAN team
    Design Website
    Design dApp
    Introduce gameplay
    Open seed round
  • Q4 2021

  • Launch Website
    Open Private Sale
    Audit Smart Contract
    $GAN IDO
    Game Phase 1 Launch
    CMC – CK Listing
  • Q1 2022

  • Add 5+ Games to Our Ecosystem
    List on CEXs
    Approve NFTs for Staking
  • Q2 2022

  • Add 15+ games to our Ecosystem
    New In-Game Feature: Boss battles, earn BNB
    New In-Game Feature: Multi-Hero Battle
  • Lees verder
  • Q3 2022

  • Add 20+ games to our Ecosystem
    New Gameplay Mode: MOBA
    New In-Game Feature : Co-owner
    NFT Estate

Galactic Arena Laatste nieuws

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