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HelpForestProject is a unique and groundbreaking cryptocurrency that aims to protect and reforest forests worldwide.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
9 jun. 2023
9 sep. 2023
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
Totale voorraad
Geaccepteerde valuta's
aanvullende details


One of the most interesting features of HelpForestProject is that token buyers have the opportunity to participate in volunteer activities to plant trees and contribute directly to reforestation efforts. This means that your investment is not only funding forest conservation projects, but also enabling buyers to actively engage in the cause.

  • HelpForestProject was created to address the alarming situation of the environment and deforestation worldwide.
  • "Every time you buy a "Forest" token, you will be directly contributing to reforestation and environmental restoration. For every token sold, a tree will be planted in a deforested area."


main goal
For every token sold, a tree will be planted in a deforested region.

Help ForestProject is a secure and reliable cryptocurrency that allows you to make transactions quickly and easily. Save time and money while making a positive impact in the world.

token buyers have the opportunity to participate in volunteer activities to plant trees

invest in a future
With HelpForestProject, your money works for you and for the planet.

FOREST Laatste nieuws

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