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Exeno is a global company aiming to deliver new tech solutions for a rapidly growing blockchain & cryptocurrency market, focusing on web3 DeFi & commerce. The Company was created by experts interested in developing an entire ecosystem of innovative digital solutions for cryptocurrency owners. Launching the first global online store with real-time safe crypto payments was just the beginning for them. The critical thing for people at Exeno is to create a healthy crypto environment based on transparent rules.
Exclusive Sale
1 mei 2022
31 mei 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 6 000 000.00 USD
pet 6 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 EXN
    0.3 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
500 000 000
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
EXN Co. Ltd.
Geregistreerd land
Marshall Islands
Bedrijf opgericht
Nov 18, 2021
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype
Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Smart Chain

Over Exeno

Exeno is a global company based in the Marshall Islands, aiming to deliver new tech solutions for a rapidly growing cryptocurrency market. The company was created by experts interested in developing an entire ecosystem of innovative digital solutions for cryptocurrency owners. Launching the first global, online store with real-time safe crypto payments was just the beginning for us. The critical thing for people at Exeno is to create a healthy crypto environment based on transparent rules. We want to share our passions, inspire vision, educate, and give people a safe space to use crypto in everyday life.

Exeno Coin is the beating heart of Exeno's crypto-commerce ecosystem. Designed first to act as an internal token for affiliate and stake back mechanics, EXN evolved into a multi-chain solution, supporting seamless payments across blockchains. It heads to its ICO in Q2 2021.

Exeno takes you on a real crypto adventure by allowing you to explore all the opportunities of the future now! Your purchases are safe, fast, convenient, and unrestricted. Making a direct cryptocurrency payment is a rational choice that allows you to bypass the formalities connected to converting your money to FIAT first. Our ecosystem puts you in control. Are you up for earning crypto via an affiliate program? Or perhaps you’re looking for innovative staking opportunities apart from the usual experience of staking on an exchange? And if you’re ever in doubt which path is best for you, Exeno's consultants are there to help you at every step of your crypto-commerce journey.

Exeno's mission is to drive cryptocurrency adoption within the framework of the c-commerce experience. In time, Exeno hopes to help adapt consumer shopping behaviors to currencies that will soon be the norm. Exeno's products are built to stimulate people's creativity toward the usage of cryptocurrency.

When Exeno launched its initial crypto commerce ("c-commerce") platform - version 1.0 - in 2021, the platform was a basic b2c e-commerce merchant website that accepted cryptocurrency payments through an exchange partner payment gateway. The interface was analogous to what was regularly found within the fiat currency industry, nothing that made it stick out. Regardless of both that and the challenges within the overall industry, along with limited test marketing, Exeno still witnessed growing Month on Month transactions as well as positive responses from within the blockchain industry itself. It is because of that, the company decided to redo its vision and mission in Q4 2021 and strive towards what would become one of its goals, to bring crypto to life in the sense that using crypto for day to date needs would be as good as fiat.

From 2022 onward, the company already started to embark on providing its perceived solution through its research, development, and ultimately deployment of not only new products but also better understanding its segments and what they require to make purchases with cryptocurrency. From this research, Exeno Finance came about in Q4 2022. While identifying the "pain points" in crypto commerce, Exeno also found that - in numerous cases - it overlapped with the challenges face within the Decentralized Finance ("DeFi") sector.

EXN (Exeno Coin) was also launched in 2022 to act as a high utility token for the whole of the Exeno ecosystem.

While all products were developed from a common vision and goal, they started to form their own distinctive paths. To further support that, Exeno Store was renamed to Screx Store upon its deployment within the Binance App.

Exeno Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Michal Hossien
M "taylor" Michalik


$1 000 000

Tom Babiak

Exeno Laatste nieuws

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