Ether Capital

Ether Capital

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Ether Capital (NEO: ETHC) is a leading technology company and direct access point to Ethereum through the capital markets. Our team is focused on yield generation and building institutional-grade infrastructure that supports the crypto industry.
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Over Ether Capital

In 2018, a group of crypto natives, traditional finance executives and venture capitalists came together to form Ether Capital. Our goal was to create a premium access point to Ethereum through the capital markets.

Since then, Ethereum’s market cap has skyrocketed to a multi-billion-dollar protocol and has the most user activity of any decentralized network. It’s also the dominant smart contract platform and backbone for unparalleled innovation, such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

In late 2020, Ethereum began an upgrade to its infrastructure, which involved a fundamental change to how transactions are validated. The new version of Ethereum, known as Ethereum 2.0, uses a mechanism called “Proof of Stake.” With Proof of Stake, holders of ether can allocate — or “stake” — their tokens to validate transactions and secure the decentralized, permissionless network. Ether that is “staked,” generates a yield in the form of newly-minted cryptocurrency, which is rewarded to those who help validate the network.

In December 2021, Ether Capital became the first public company in the world to stake a significant amount of ether to generate an attractive yield and revenue.

As we transition from passive ownership of our assets to an operating business, we intend to use a portion of our staking revenue to build world-class tooling and infrastructure that supports the fast-growing industry.

Ether Capital Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Brian Mosoff
Chief Executive Officer
Ian Mcpherson
President & Chief Financial Officer
Jillian Friedman
Chief Operating Officer

Ether Capital Laatste nieuws

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