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Laatste update

9 feb. 2018

Dogezer behoudt zich het recht voor om alle informatie en documenten over de koper te vragen, die zij nodig of gepast acht om te voldoen aan toepasselijke wetgeving. De koper dient Dogezer dergelijke informatie en documenten te verstrekken.
Open ITO
15 feb. 2018
8 mrt. 2018
100% voltooid
$3 575 178
harde dop
3% harde dop voltooid
pet 1 000 000.00 USD
Harde dop 98 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 DGZ
    0.000625 ETH
Private Sale
15 jan. 2018
15 feb. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 1 000 000.00 USD
pet 98 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 DGZ
    0.0005 ETH
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details

Over Dogezer

Over Dogezer

  1. Dogezer zal investeerders verwijderen als 'tussenpersonen' in een proces van projectteamorganisatie, waardoor de oprichter de mogelijkheid krijgt om het project uit te voeren met behulp van het uitgebalanceerde systeem van beloften aan teamleden, die effectief productinvesteerders zullen zijn.
  2. Dogezer opent een mogelijkheid voor individuele bijdragers om hun werk te investeren in een of meerdere producten waarin ze geloven, een actieve rol te spelen bij het verzekeren van het succes van het project en te genieten van de beloningen die overeenstemmen met hun bijdrage.
  3. Dogezer biedt een geïntegreerde en gebruiksklare set van tools en best practices voor een projectuitvoering. Dogezer minimaliseert belangenconflicten binnen het team, zorgt voor betrokkenheid van teamleden en helpt bij het sneller bouwen van betere producten.


Dogezer-infrastructuur zorgt voor betrouwbaarheid en gegevensbeveiliging met een krachtig en flexibel toestemmingsschema.
Gebaseerd op een geselecteerd projecttype - een reeks gereedschappen, processen en sjablonen zal onmiddellijk beschikbaar zijn en worden ingesteld voor gebruik tijdens de productie. /> DoMarketplace verbindt projecten en gebruikers bij elkaar en biedt gebruikers de mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan projecten van hun belang.

Technische informatie

Technische details: & nbsp; Technisch gezien is de Dogezer-oplossing een reeks onafhankelijke services die worden uitgevoerd in Docker-containers met een speciale laag om schaling te regelen. Python en MySQL versterken het kerngedeelte van het oplossingsplatform. De broncode: & nbsp; De code is niet beschikbaar. Bewijs van ontwikkelaar: & nbsp; Openbaar team

% naam% Roadmap

  • Concept design

  • 07.2015

  • Concept design
  • 07,2015

  • Concept ontwerp
  • First Commit

  • Lees verder
  • 10,2016

  • Eerste commit
  • PreITO Starts

  • 2017/09/01

  • PreITO start
  • PreITO Ends

  • 2017/09/30

  • PreITO eindigt
  • Alpha Version

  • 2017/11/15

  • Alfa-versie
  • Private Sale Starts

  • 2018/01/15

  • ITO begint
  • Public ITO Starts

  • 2018/02/15

  • ITO eindigt
  • ITO Ends

  • 08.2018

  • Open Beta
  • 08,2018

  • Open beta
  • Beta release

  • 12.2018

  • Release
  • Release V1.0

  • 12,2018

  • Vrijlating
  • 12.2018

  • Release V1.0

Dogezer Team

geverifieerd 8%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

10 ICOs

$24 710 128

Dean Karakitsos
Brian Schafer
Ryan Reynolds


$3 569 174

Evan Weldon
Max Unger
Alex Kozlov
Nikita Rams
Dev Lead
Sergey Chmilenko
Creative Lead
Nataliya Kozlova
Marketing and support
Dmitriy Dolinin
Software Engineer
Mike Sorokin
Project Management
Renat Zakirov
Frontend Developer
Alexey Pavlyukov
Backend Developer

Voormalige leden

Alexey Lysakov
DoTest, DoAnalyze
Sergey Sukov


$3 569 174

Dan Khomenko
Aleksey Gudkov
Legal Advisor

Dogezer Interviews

Alex Kozlov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder of this great project!

Dogezer Laatste nieuws

5.0 15
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews
ICO review website

The value proposition formulated by the company for the target segments is not verified. Evaluating platform application for IT startups, there is a question of long-term motivation of employees in case of absence of net profit during the long-term period. Demand from the market isn't verified and not confirmed. Absence of certain go-to-market strategy. Market of tools for IT developers is highly competitive and imposes high requirements of offered tool quality.

The current functionality of the platform copies and combines successful decisions of third-party developers (GitHub, Jira, Slack, Google Docs, and UpWork), but doesn't guarantee quality at the same level. It is impossible to estimate a product, because of lack of its beta version. Product has no strong competitive advantages among other outsourcing platforms. There are no proofs of experience with big traffic, aspects of platform safety remain unaddressed. The business model relies on the overestimated expectations of developers’ transfer from existing tools to Dogezer. At the same time, motivation mechanism offered by Dogezer has a number of serious vulnerabilities in it. It is unsuitable for the projects with long-term period of reaching operational profit (in this case the employee's long-term motivation is hardly probable. The company plans to raised about $20 million in case of the successful scenario, herewith, post-money valuation (after investments) for analogues in IT segment in US market (according to Pitch Book) is $7M. The average size of an investments round for the company comparable to Dogezer, is $1M. (according to PitchBook taking into account life time of the company and the status of a product). Proceeding from DGZ tokens functionality, purchasing of it tokens is value only if the participant wishes to become the user of the platform further. The company does not provide adequate current and achievable expected financial forecasts.

In team there are no specialists with competences of creation and development of large business. In team there are no participants, who can effectively managed marketing budgets over $1 million. Team members are in parallel involved in Wearehere Labs that can exert negative impact on focus and motivation.

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We believe that Dogezer is a great tool that helps entrepreneurs, employees, and investors work with each other. It can help improve a project and doesn’t need outside funding like traditional venture capitalist projects. Thus, we hope to see more from this ICO due to its accuracy, efficiency, and extensive roadmap plan.

Employee Incentives: Employees can use Dogezer to help receive payments for their invested time on projects.
Multiple Currencies Accepted: Dogezer accepts payments in fiat money, cryptocurrencies, and company equity.
Cloud Storage: Dogezer allows for users to save their projects in an encrypted cloud drive so it can be accessed for later usage.

Project Completion: How will Dogezer ensure that startup projects on its network are completed?

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News, reviews

Dogezers aim to create a platform that helps entrepreneurs to realize a project with the help of investments from individual contributors and combining it with a work collaboration toolkit seems to be something that will be needed in times where remote work is on the rise. But as with all ICO investments, we advise researching carefully. More information about Dogezer can be found on the company's website.

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An excellent idea embedded in the project, in fact, is more like good intentions, rather than a good business product. The completely undeveloped block of the business plan, the lack of a clear picture of the project's progress, difficult to understand explanations of the functionality of each service module - all this in general creates a feeling of an abundance of thoughts and the inability to structure them not from the point of view of the product, but from the point of view of business.

Investments in such a project are not entirely reliable, if investors are aiming to get an efficient platform on the way out, which will explain their potentiality and benefits to potential users.

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Though the road ahead is certainly not going to be a bed of roses for Dogezer, if it does what it promises then there are chances that it can carve a niche by virtue of its caliber—just like other ICOs such as Rate Date, Lendo, RepuX, ABYSS, Phoneum. It is because the crypto space is already awash with the same concept and have come much ahead from Dogezer. Hope they succeed. It’s a good project overall.

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