Darwin Protocol

Darwin Protocol

Created using Figma
Darwin Protocol is the introduction of ZERO TAX Tokenomics.That means 0% is taxed on buys/sells/trades. BUT on every buy we still collect 2.5% of $DARWIN and 2.5% of BNB. We do this simply by moving the point of tax from the user into the LP. Making us the first token to provide a 100% feeless Tokenomic system!
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
15 feb. 2023
1 mrt. 2023
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
aanvullende details

Over Darwin Protocol

Darwin Protocol is a decentralized token controlled by the community.

This means the contract, the LP tokens, and how the funds collected by Tokenomics are used are fully controlled by the community through our builtfor-purpose platform: DarwinCommunity.

Beyond maintenance and basic functions to protect the security of the contract, no edits may be made to it without the community vote!

Darwin Protocol was founded as a collaborative effort between members of the Darwin Protocol Team with the goal of creating a smart contract that would utilize Tokenomics without charging transaction fees on users.

Through extensive testing and experimentation, the team ultimately settled on Tokenomics 2.0 as the next evolution of Tokenomics. This system allows for Tokenomics to be performed in the same manner to the eye of the user while operating with novelty behind the scenes.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • We’re currently in Phase 1 right now. We have completed all the use cases, code, platforms etc and now are community building and raising funds for our pre-sale and launch.

    The highlight of Phase 2 is Qey which will be released shortly after launch, followed by a number of smaller projects to help build out the Darwin Protocol ecosystem.

    We estimate that this phase will take 5-6 months to complete before we step into Phase 3.

    This Phase is dedicated more to the commercial aspects of Darwin Protocol, opening up to businesses and other tokens looking to take advantage of the advanced systems we have to offer. All driving money into the Darwin Protocol ecosystem.

    Phase 4 focuses on our longer-term projects such as our exchange, blockchain, and ultimately bank.

Darwin Protocol Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Matthew Steed
Bill Odida
George Quinones
Moses Monyorwa
Keran Murphy
Team Lead

Darwin Protocol Laatste nieuws

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