Commons Stack

Commons Stack

Created using Figma
Empowering commons-based microeconomies to sustain public goods through a library of open-source #web3 components.
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over Commons Stack

We are building commons-based microeconomies to sustain public goods through incentive alignment, continuous funding and community governance. Our library of open-source, interoperable web3 components will put effective new tools in the hands of communities, enabling them to raise and allocate shared funds, make transparent decisions, and monitor their progress in supporting the Commons.

We want to create a world where public goods are valued fairly for the benefits they deliver. Our current economic system frequently exploits the environment, and undervalues open-source software, open research, and other altruistic efforts addressing the collective needs of our society. We aim to change this.

Design principles
• Incentive alignment
• Radically open-source
• Iterative development
• Robust engineering practices
• Polycentric governance
• Open standards
• Ecological economics
• Biomimetic design

Commons Stack Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Griff Green
Michael Zargham
Bernd Lapp
Jeff Emmett
Stefaan Ponnet
Livia Deschermayer
Daniel Knobelsdorf

Commons Stack Laatste nieuws

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